Karen - perhaps Jakub Steiner would be a good person to interview (since
you had suggested having a designer in there, he's a great place to start I

On Dec 14, 2012 4:22 PM, "Karen Sandler" <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Fri, December 14, 2012 1:57 pm, Allan Day wrote:
> > Thanks again for the minutes, Emily.
> yes! :)
> > I was unable to attend the meeting, due to not being able to dial in
> > again (this time I kept being told that the PIN was wrong).
> Very strange, but let me know if you want me to set up another test call
> if you want to try and troubleshoot it. Also, as I was telling Flavia, I
> can call one person and conference them in too. Maybe someone else on the
> call can also do that next time so that we get everyone who's having
> trouble.
> > Emily Gonyer <emilyyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Minutes from Marketing Tele-Conference, December 13, 2013
> >> Participants: Sririm Ramkrishna, Karen Sandler, Andreas Nilsson, Emily
> Gonyer, Alan Day, Olav Vitters, Flavia Weisghizzi
> Oliver Propst was on the call (heavensmile), I don't think Olav was.
> >> Topic: Community Outreach/Development
> >> Sri: Theres a common wisdom that GNOME will throw out features and are
> > unfriendly. We've let others tell our story for us. As a result, most of
> > the press we receive is negative, focusing on GNOME 3's failures and
> > shortcomings.
> > ...
> >
> > I don't think it's actually that hard to figure out what we need to do to
> > improve the perception of GNOME and GNOME 3. There are lots of examples
> > that run contrary to the negative discourse that has been circulating -
> > you don't have to look far to find people who love GNOME 3, or to find
> > developers and designers who are receptive to feedback or who are doing
> > cool stuff.
> I love this - as I mentioned on a different thread, I'm working on putting
> together a series of interviews of GNOME users, starting with greggKH and
> Brett. Do you know of any other awesome folks we should feature?
> > It might be an obvious point, but GNOME contributors don't actually
> > conform to the way that they are often described. Our task is to let the
> > world know about the great side of GNOME that people don't often hear
> > about, by sharing positive stories about GNOME 3 and our
> > community. That can be through writing blog posts, talking to the press,
> > sharing posts on social media channels (either personal
> > accounts or the GNOME ones), or by participating in forums and mailing
> > lists. We also need advocates who can liaise between our core
> > contributors and the disparate communities that are interested in GNOME.
> >
> > The difficult part is finding people to take on all these tasks, and I
> > actually think that growing and sustaining the GNOME marketing effort is
> > the biggest challenge that we face: we need to focus on how we can grow
> > the GNOME marketing effort. The telephone meetings are a
> > fantastic start here, but we need to do more.
> Perhaps one thing we can do is put together a wish list of simple things
> we'd like to see done, sort of a GNOME love approach to marketing. That
> way when newcomers ask for things to do we have a whole list to choose
> from. We'd have to make it all things that are not very time sensitive,
> but even just listing articles or interviews we'd like to see written
> could be a good start.
> > One thing we obviously need is critical mass - a few core contributors
> > who can drive things forward by coordinating activity and by enabling and
> > encouraging people to participate. We also need our contributors to feel
> > motivated and valued. One possible way we could help with this would be
> > to invite designers and developers to come and speak to the marketing
> > crew as a part of regular meetings (I'd be happy to help organise that).
> > Another thing we should think about is how to give exposure to marketing
> > contributors. Things like having identifiable authors on gnome.org could
> > really help. It could also be good to have regular activity reports on
> > the list as a way to celebrate the work done by our marketing
> > contributors.
> We talked at this meeting about inviting designers and developers to our
> calls maybe on a monthly basis. If you wanted to help organize that it
> would be awesome!
> > What do others think? What can we do to grow the GNOME outreach effort?
> Our actual outreach efforts (mostly around OPW and GSoC) have been really
> successful, maybe we need to highlight that more too? I don't think we
> ever really did anything with the materials that were prepared at GUADEC
> even by the newcomers...
> karen
> --
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