On 2013-01-25 12:37, Tobias Mueller wrote:
Hola! :)

On 10.12.2012 23:26, Juanjo Marín wrote:
Well, I think that the percentage of each category in the previous FoG is good 
to know in order to evaluate if we must change the categories. Also, if 
possible, the aritmethic mean of each category can help
I have attached the donations for the years, 2010-2011 and 2012.
The data is a bit unclean in the sense that there are more donations
which are not tracked, i.e. some money went directly to a11y, some
payments came by cheque which are not respected here. And for 2012, the
December was not in the CSV file with the raw data. So probably the
busiest month is not counted in the data, that I provide here, either.
So this breaks down to (after cutting off the lower ones with 1 or 2 people)
less than $25     59
$25                    439
$30                    62
$35                    23
$40                    24
$50                    150
$60                    6
$75                    6
$100                  47
$150                  5
$200                  8
$500                  5
$750                  1
$1000                1
$1500                1

So, what happens here?
$25 is the lowest Associate value, ie, the lowest you can give for getting something back.
$50 is the pre-filled value for Associate.
$100 does nothing in particular (it's just a nice number?)
$500 This is the Sponsor level.

Looking at the data above, it looks like the level system don't really work.
What if we just made it freeform and gave a gift to everyone above $25? (or whatever the lowest number is for us not making a loss)
- Andreas
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