Hi *,

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Florian Effenberger
<flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> Marc Paré wrote on 2013-05-14 22:33:
> agreeably, we didn't have that much luck with videos during the last years.
> In 2012, we went with a professional video producer form university,
> including a professor for media-related studies, but still, we ran into
> issues - I guess c'est la vie. :-)

Yeah. My suggestion is: Make sure to get a copy of the raw material as
soon as possible - i.e. have a harddrive where you copy the recordings
to, after each day/in the breaks between talks. That way you can at
least provide preliminary version until the final edit is done.

To me it seems that it would have been much easier to just ignore the
multi-source player-syncing problems and instead just edit the speaker
video and provide that, and later mix in the slides and other souces
that were captured. But of course I don't have insight in the details,
all I know there was a regular camera pointed toward the speaker +
screengrab of the slides + audio (maybe multiple tracks).
Honestly I don't quite understand why syncing those took that long
(apart from someone cutting each track separately, but that would be
insane and not to expect from people in media-related studies)..

> The sheer amount of pictures is alright, the quality as well, however, I
> agree that a designated photographer knows better what is allowed and what
> not, and only produces pictures we can publish without reviewing. This is by
> far not a theoretical problem - I recall people who wrote to us after the
> conference stating that any individual picture of them might NOT be shown,
> so...

I volunteer to go through the pictures... Please remind me of the process :-))


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