For what it is worth:

I would like to see some marketing material which does not even mention

If it must mention file formats then tout support for OOXML and do so writ

Remember that are many of us for whom closed source software is not bad,
that paying for software is not bad and that making a profit is not bad.

Talk to us and tell us why LibreOffice is so good.

Best wishes,


On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 5:42 AM Nigel Verity <>

> Hi Roland, Mike
> That is a very interesting point. Perhaps the challenge is to create a
> promotional video which appeals to both corporates and private individuals
> in equal measure.
> Liberation and social responsibility should certainly appeal to
> individuals, but any justification for using LO which strays into the
> territory of "politics" may be of less appeal to companies. There will
> surely be decision-makers who have a social conscience but in the main I
> would suggest that a company which selects its business applications based
> on ethics rather than functionality is not doing its job properly. I don't
> necessarily applaud that standpoint but I think it is a fact all the same.
> In short, I don't think LO should be promoted like those adverts we see
> proclaiming "buy our product because x% of our profits go to charity". LO
> is world-class software that justifies its existence on functionality
> alone. I think the challenge is to get the ethics message across without
> its being seen as a "bolt on" to increase its appeal further.
> Regards
> Nige
> ________________________________
> From: Roland Hummel <>
> Sent: 15 April 2019 21:47
> To: Nigel Verity; Mike Saunders;
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice promo trailer?
> Hi Nigel and Mike,
> On 4/15/19 2:43 PM, Nigel Verity wrote:
> > I've just looked at that video again for the first time in quite a
> while. I have to say there is nothing in it that is not valid today and not
> a lot of information that ought to be added. The only fundamental change is
> the availability of the new user interface features in the mainstream
> rather than as experimental options. Unfortunately to update the video to
> show these would entail almost a total re-recording.
> >
> > There clearly is some scope for a new promotional video but, given that
> just updating the screenshot elements would not alter its overall impact,
> is the cost of a new video justified at this time? What else needs to be
> changed? Change for its own sake is rarely a good proposition.
> >
> looking for other LO promo material I found "Trailer Curso LibreOffice
> Ecuador" [1]. I don't understand Spanish language but a friend
> translated the essential parts for me and this video describes how FLOSS
> like LO liberates the IT of countries like Ecuador so as I tried to
> explain in my last mail:
> An update of the official LO promo trailer that is a little bit more
> "inspiring" the people why using LO has something to do with liberation
> and social responsibility in digital age would justify time and money
> needed for the update a lot.
> Best regards
> Roland
> [1]
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