Writing this down in a persistent mailing list. Chat instances are volatile.

On 20/04/2020 10:01, sophi wrote:

> I couldn't find any discussion about opening the group there however.
> When acting under LibreOffice name, whatever the cause, it would be good
> to inform and discuss it with the community before...

Like discussed on Telegram, when something is trending everywhere you
need to act in quite an urgency. Seeing the LibreOffice team name being
taken by someone not from the community would have been more annoying to
recover afterwards.[1] The same applies basically with everything for
which asking for agreement would take an eternity to resolve.[2] Time
flies faster on social media than in real life.

Stopping here because I could do other things more meaningful for the
community instead of quibbling for basically no reason.

But I'm keeping your remark with great attention in my head. My huge
number of mails with @libreoffice.org is indeed a problem I need to
resolve fast. I'm receiving more of them than I can answer a day
unfortunately. :(

Hard work pays off :)

Let's keep the hard work rolling =)


[1] cf. libreoffice.fr
[2] https://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/website/msg15684.html

William Gathoye
Hyper<hack>tive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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