On 18/04/2020 02:58, Spyros wrote:
> Hello,
> I found recently that a Folding@home [0] team under the LibreOffice name
> exists. I started contributing to it but did not create it (I assume
> credits for that should go to wget).

Hi there :)

Indeed, I'm "wget" :)

I wanted to do the introduction of the Folding@home idea to the
community yesterday, but it appears you were faster than me at doing
this. I initially thought that the LibreOffice team would be unnoticed,
but it went noticed after all. And that's great! :)

# The story behind the creation of the LibreOffice team

For the record, as I'm preparing slowly but surly a server farm at home
(fully resilient network, power supply, etc.) for virtual hackathons[1]
for the LibreOfficeFR[2] community, I needed to test some servers and
instead of putting some load on the machine for basically nothing, I
thought to Folding@Home. :)

As folding under no-name would have been a waste, I thought it could be
nice to leverage this for LibreOffice =)

I saw there was no LibreOffice team :( and the team name was free for
anyone to take :/. Seeing the LibreOffice team name being taken by
someone not from the community would have been more annoying to recover
afterwards, I decided to register it :)

# What LibreOffice can do to fight COVID-19?

"@libreoffice has been very helpful for @openlung and the #openlung
project. #engineers #researchers and #doctors  can share their ideas
more fluidly using this freely available, open source office suite

From a marketing POV, this nice tweet we get is interesting for a big
reason: momentum[3].

As plenty of companies are publishing "what we do to fight COVID-19"
banners everywhere, let's leverage on this and say: what could
LibreOffice do to help them (the researchers) and fight COVID-19?

Even if I don't want to be cliché, we are devs and contributors, we are
already staying at home most of the time =D. How can we bring this even

So the idea is to publish a campaign on social media and on our blog and
ask our users to fold under the name of LibreOffice to help research. (I
can provide beautiful eye-catching social media images, since
LibreOfficeFR has now a license with icons8.com.)

We should also provide a video explaining how to use the Folding@home
software to fold under the name of LibreOffice. My new graphic card is
arriving on April 27th though, so I'll have a hard time doing this in a
short period of time :/.

# Ask the infra team

Also, but we need to see this with the infra team, maybe we could
leverage the build servers we have to help with folding as I imagine
these are not always being used 100% of the time? The app of
Folding@home is detecting when the machine is being used. IIRC, we can
also define specific time periods.

Having the LibreOffice team trending will be great. Arch Linux is
participating, why not LibreOffice?


[1] Will do a dedicate announcement on that later when ready. I'm
operating the hardware, software but also the network as my own network
operator. All of this is taking time but is educational and built on the
skills I acquired when I had my dev company. :)
[2] Maybe the wider community?
[3] https://mobile.twitter.com/simplyacreative/status/1248404853535080448
William Gathoye
Hyper<hack>tive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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