On 11/06/2015 03:11 PM, Ryan Lerch wrote:
On 11/06/2015 02:37 PM, Justin W. Flory wrote:
Hey all,

Normally I would just wait until the next meeting before putting out more pitches, but these were both things that I ended up getting drafted after the meeting ended... anyways, I wanted to get some opinions on these because they (one in particular) may or may not be something that is "suitable" for the Magazine, and I wanted to know others' thoughts on this as well.

Fedora Planet promotion:
This would be good i think +1 for the pitch from me.

Would be good to make it clear in the post that the planet is kind of a mix of different content -- stuff about upstreams, community stuff, fedora user stuff, and even random stuff sometimes :)

The more i think about this one, the more (IMHO), this is a Community Blog post -- the planet (by it's nature) really is of limited use to end-users.

Create your own laser light show with Fedora:

This is an *awesome* idea for a post. An interview with someone that made something cool using Fedora? a big +1 to the pitch from me.

This one is still awesome :)



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