Dear All,

We are pleased to post this announcement for a Postdoctoral Research in Spatial 
and Movement Ecology of marine top predators, with a focus on cetaceans and 
pelagic fishes.  The position is based at the Institute of Marine Research, in 
Azores, Faial Island. The appointment will be for 18 months, starting on 1st 
December 2016. The call will be open from 12th - 31th of October 2016.

The position and application process are described in detail here:

Briefly, the successful candidate must hold a PhD in Biology, Marine Biology, 
Statistics or a closely related field. The candidate must have a strong 
background in advanced statistical analyses of animal distribution and movement 
data, good programming skills, experience in handling large spatial 
environmental databases and using GIS software, and a good track record of 
publications in peer-reviewed journals. Previous experience in fieldwork with 
cetaceans and fishes and expertise in pelagic marine systems is beneficial but 
not required.

Kind regards,
Mónica Silva

Mónica Almeida e Silva
(Marine Biologist, PhD)
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
IMAR - Institute of Marine Research
Rua Frederico Machado, 4
9901-862 Horta Portugal
Phone: (+351) 292200400
Guest Investigator 
WHOI – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA

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