Dear MARMAM Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the recent publication of the following
paper in *Plos

Ywasaki Lima J, Machado FB, Farro APC, Barbosa LdA, da Silveira LS,
Medina-Acosta E (2017) Population genetic structure of Guiana dolphin (*Sotalia
guianensis*) from the southwestern Atlantic coast of Brazil. PLoS ONE
12(8): e0183645.

*Sotalia guianensis* is a small dolphin that is vulnerable to anthropogenic
impacts. Along the Brazilian Atlantic coast, this species is threatened
with extinction. A prioritized action plan for conservation strategies
relies on increased knowledge of the population. The scarcity of studies
about genetic diversity and assessments of population structure for this
animal have precluded effective action in the region. Here, we assessed,
for the first time, the genetic differentiation at 14 microsatellite loci
in 90 *S. **guianensis* specimens stranded on the southeastern Atlantic
coast of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. We estimated population
parameters and structure, measured the significance of global gametic
disequilibrium and the intensity of non-random multiallelic interallelic
associations and constructed a provisional synteny map using Bos taurus,
the closest terrestrial mammal with a reference genome available. All
microsatellite loci were polymorphic, with at least three and a maximum of
ten alleles each. Allele frequencies ranged from 0.01 to 0.97. Observed
heterozygosity ranged from 0.061 to 0.701. The mean inbreeding coefficient
was 0.103. Three loci were in HardyWeinberg disequilibrium even when
missing genotypes were inferred. Although 77 of the 91 possible two-locus
associations were in global gametic equilibrium, we unveiled 13
statistically significant, sign-based, non-random multiallelic interallelic
associations in 10 two-locus combinations with either coupling (D’ values
ranging from 0.782 to 0.353) or repulsion (D’ values -0.517 to -1.000)
forces. Most of the interallelic associations did not involve the major
alleles. Thus, for either physically or non-physically linked loci,
measuring the intensity of non-random interallelic associations is
important for defining the evolutionary forces at equilibrium. We uncovered
a small degree of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.010; P-value = 0.463)
with a hierarchical clustering into one segment containing members from the
southern and northern coastal regions. The data thus support the scenario
of little genetic structure in the population of *S. **guianensis* in this
geographic area.

This article is freely available online at:

For any questions, please feel free to contact me:

Best regards,

Juliana Ywasaki Lima

Juliana Ywasaki Lima - Lic, M.Sc., D.Sc.
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro - UENF
Laboratório de Morfologia e Patologia Animal
Núcleo de Pesquisa com Animais Selvagens - NEPAS
Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ CEP: 28013-600/ 2000 - Brasil
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