Dear MARMAM readers,

   we are pleased to share the publication of our Article in The Journal of the 
Acoustical Society of America.

Francesco Caruso, Lijun Dong, Mingli Lin, Mingming Liu, Wanxue Xu, and  Songhai 
Li. Influence of acoustic habitat variation on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin 
(Sousa chinensis) in shallow waters of Hainan Island, China. The Journal of the 
Acoustical Society of America 147:6, 3871-3882.

ABSTRACT: The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (IPHD, Sousa chinensis) is a 
coastal species inhabiting tropical and warm-temperate waters. The presence of 
this vulnerable dolphin was recently discovered in shallow waters southwest of 
Hainan Island, China. The influence of the acoustic habitat on the distribution 
and behavior of IPHD was investigated using an array of passive acoustic 
platforms (n=6) that spanned more than 100 km of coastline during a 75-day 
monitoring period. Its presence was assessed within 19 215 five-min recordings 
by classifying echolocation clicks using machine learning techniques. 
Spectrogram analysis was applied to further investigate the acoustic behavior 
of IPHD and to identify other prominent sound sources. The variation in the 
ambient noise levels was also measured to describe the spatiotemporal patterns 
of the acoustic habitat among the different sampling sites. Social and feeding 
sounds of IPHD (whistles and click-series of pulsed sounds) were identified 
together with other biological sources (finless porpoise, soniferous fishes, 
and snapping shrimps) and anthropogenic activities (ship noise, explosions, and 
sonars). Distribution, acoustic behavior, and habitat use of this nearshore 
dolphin species were strongly influenced by the abundance of soniferous fishes, 
and under similar conditions, the species was more acoustically active in 
locations with lower noise levels.

Best regards,


Francesco Caruso, Ph.D. - Postdoctoral Researcher

Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics Laboratory

Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering

Chinese Academy of Sciences

28 Luhuitou Road, Sanya, 572000, China

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