Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the two recent publications as part of the stranding 
research on harbor porpoises in the Netherlands:

IJsseldijk, L.L., Scheidat, M., Siemensma, M., Couperus, B., Leopold, M., 
Morell, M., Gröne, A., and Kik, M.J.L. (2020) Challenges in the Assessment of 
Bycatch: Postmortem Findings in Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Retrieved 
From Gillnets. Veterinary Pathology

Available at:

Abstract: Bycatch is considered one of the most significant threats affecting 
cetaceans worldwide. In the North Sea, bottom-set gillnets are a specific risk 
for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Methods to estimate bycatch rates 
include on-board observers, remote electronic monitoring, and fishermen 
voluntarily reporting; none of these are systematically conducted. 
Additionally, necropsies of stranded animals can provide insights into bycatch 
occurrence and health status of individuals. There are, however, uncertainties 
when it comes to the assessment of bycatch in stranded animals, mainly due to 
the lack of diagnostic tools specific for underwater entrapment. We conducted a 
literature review to establish criteria that aid in the assessment of bycatch 
in small cetaceans, and we tested which of these criteria applied to harbor 
porpoises retrieved from gillnets in the Netherlands (n ¼ 12). Twenty-five 
criteria were gathered from literature. Of these, "superficial incisions," 
"encircling imprints," and "recent ingestion of prey" were observed in the vast 
majority of our confirmed bycatch cases. Criteria like "pulmonary edema," 
"pulmonary emphysema," and "organ congestion" were also frequently observed, 
although considered unspecific as an indicator of bycatch. Notably, previously 
mentioned criteria as "favorable health status," "absence of disease," or "good 
nutritional condition" did not apply to the majority of our bycaught porpoises. 
This may reflect an overall reduced fitness of harbor porpoises inhabiting the 
southern North Sea or a higher chance of a debilitated porpoise being bycaught, 
and could result in an underestimation of bycatch rates when assessing stranded 

Willems, D., IJsseldijk, L.L., van den Broek, H., and Veraa, S. (2020) 
Vertebral pattern variation in the North Sea harbor porpoise (Phocoena 
phocoena) by computed tomography. The Anatomical Record

Available at:

Abstract: Vertebral series in the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) include 
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and caudal. In contrast to studying skeletons from 
museums, in which small bones can be missed, evaluation of full body computed 
tomography (CT) scans provides an overview of the vertebral column, while 
maintaining interrelationship of all structures. The aim of this study was to 
document variations in vertebral patterning of the harbor porpoise via 
evaluation of CT images of intact stranded harbor porpoises. The harbor 
porpoises were divided into age classes, based on developmental stage of 
reproductive organs on postmortem examination and closure of proximal humeral 
physis on CT. Numbers of vertebrae per series, fusion state of the syncervical, 
type of first hemal arch, number of double articulating ribs, and floating ribs 
were recorded based on CT images. Included in the study were 48 harbor 
porpoises (27 males and 21 females), which were divided in two age classes (27 
immatures and 21 adults). Total vertebral count varied from 63 to 68 with 
vertebral formula range C7T12‐14L12‐16Cd29‐33. Twenty‐five different vertebral 
formulas were found, of which C7T13L14Ca30 was the most common (n = 8, 17%). 
Thoracic vertebrae with six, seven, or eight double articulating ribs and zero, 
one, or two vertebrae with floating ribs were seen. Four different fusion 
states of the syncervical and four types of hemal arches were recognized. This 
study showed a great variation in vertebral patterning in the harbor porpoise, 
with homeotic and meristic variation in the thoracic, lumbar, and caudal 
vertebral series.

Best wishes,
Lonneke IJsseldijk

Lonneke L. IJsseldijk<> | Project 
Manager Cetacean Research | Utrecht University | 
Veterinary<> Medicine | 
Biomolecular Health Sciences | Pathology | Yalelaan 1, 3584 CL Utrecht | room 
O.170 | (+3130) 253 5312 | (+316) 244 556 98 |<>| Follow us @ | 
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