
The California Ocean Alliance is a non-profit dedicated to conducting research 
which leads directly to sound policy decisions that safeguard the oceans and 
allow marine mammals to thrive into the next century. This summer we are 
excited to share a new educational opportunity for students of all ages 
interested in learning more about marine mammal research approaches, exploring 
new analytical tools, and engaging with diverse members of our field. The 
Marine Mammal Online Experience is a one week course that presents participants 
with a combination of lectures, data analysis labs, virtual tours, and other 
interactive activities. Curriculum highlights include:

o   Interactive lessons from researchers at the Smithsonian National Museum of 
Natural History on the evolution of marine mammals

o   Virtual tours of seal breeding colonies in California and the 
newly-renovated marine mammal research facilities at UC Santa Cruz

o   Analyzing video data obtained from multi-sensor tags placed on whales

o   Learning about the use of drone technology to study the health killer whales

o   Reviewing fluke ID matching and species identification in whales and 

o   Introduction to the underwater acoustic world of marine mammals

o   Lessons in effective science communication techniques and presentation 

o   Panel discussions with diverse leaders in the field about how to pursue a 
career in marine mammal science and conservation

 Course Details:
o   Daily Schedule: 9:00am-12:00pm PST Monday-Friday

o   2021 Summer Sessions: July 5-9 or 19-23

o   Cost: $300/student (scholarships available for qualified individuals)

 To apply, please visit 
<> to purchase registration for 1 of the 2 weeks 
being offered this summer. Applicants are accepted on a first come first serve 
basis. Once registered, we will follow up with an informational e-mail on 
details of the course, how to access content, and a detailed schedule for the 
week! If you are interested in a scholarship, please write to <> and tell us:

1) Who you are

2) Why you would like to take the course

3) Why you are requesting financial support to cover the costs of tuition

Please do not hesitate to contact us at 
<> if you have any questions

Caroline Casey, PhD (she/her/hers)
Postdoctorate Researcher 
Southall Environmental Associates, Inc.
Director of Education
California Ocean Alliance 
Research Associate
University of California Santa Cruz

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