Good Morning,

I run a small non-profit,,  that offers
college level courses in marine science to a consortium of schools.  I am
looking for someone to teach the Biology of Whales this semester.  The
course will be taught fully remote on Wednesday evenings from 6-9 EST.

Course description:

This course provides a comprehensive review of the biology, ecology, and

management of cetaceans. A thorough grounding in cetology and population
biology will prepare students to understand conservation problems presented
as case histories. Students will also complete an independent research
paper on a topic related to cetacean conservation. Virtual activities *may*
include the dissection of a small cetacean and a whale watch in Stellwagen

Please contact me if you might be interested.

Thank you.

Jennifer Bender
Executive Director, Marine Studies Consortium

Jennifer Bender, Ph.D.
fax: 617 522-0027
phone:  617 817-0740

*Even after all this time*
*The sun never says to the earth, "you owe me."*
*Look what happens with a love like that,*
*It lights the Whole Sky.  *--- Hafiz
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