Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the publication of our paper: A novel
expert-driven methodology to develop thermal response curves and project
habitat thermal suitability for cetaceans under a changing climate.

Sousa, A., Fernandez, M., Alves, F., Arranz, P., Dinis, A., González
García, L., Morales, M., Lettrich, M., Encarnação Coelho, R., Costa, H.,
Capela Lourenço, T., Azevedo, N.M.J. & Frazão Santos, C. (2022). A novel
expert- driven methodology to develop thermal response curves and project
habitat thermal suitability for cetaceans under a changing climate. Science
of The Total Environment, 160376.

Over the last decades, global warming has contributed to changes in marine
species composition, abundance and distribution, in response to changes in
oceanographic conditions such as temperature, acidification, and
deoxygenation. Experimentally derived thermal limits, which are known to be
related to observed latitudinal ranges, have been used to assess variations
in species distribution patterns. However, such experiments cannot be
undertaken on free-swimming large marine predators with wide-range
distribution, like cetaceans. An alternative approach is to elicit expert's
knowledge to derive species' thermal suitability and assess their thermal
responses, something that has never been tested in these taxa. We developed
and applied a methodology based on expert-derived thermal suitability
curves and projected future responses for several species under different
climate scenarios. We tested this approach with ten cetacean species
currently present in the biogeographic area of Macaronesia (North Atlantic)
under Representative Concentration Pathways 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5, until 2050.
Overall, increases in annual thermal suitability were found for *Balaenoptera
edeni*, *Globicephala macrorhynchus*, *Mesoplodon densirostris*, *Physeter
macrocephalus*, *Stenella frontalis*, *Tursiops truncatus* and *Ziphius
cavirostris*. Conversely, our results indicated a decline in thermal
suitability for *B. physalus*, *Delphinus delphis*, and *Grampus griseus*.
Our study reveals potential responses in cetaceans' thermal suitability,
and potentially in other highly mobile and large predators, and it tests
this method's applicability, which is a novel application for this purpose
and group of species. It aims to be a cost-efficient tool to support
conservation managers and practitioners.

Our paper is available for free until January 14th at

Andreia Sousa


*Community art and science project for ocean conservation (432Hz

*Whale watching and climate change project (WHALES CLIMATE

*Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Modelling* *(CCIAM
*Centre for Ecology Evolution and Environmental Changes*
*(CE3C <>)Associação para a Investigação e
Desenvolvimento de Ciências* *(FC.ID <>)*

Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal Phone: +351 217 500
000, line 21403

Skype ID: andreiagsousa
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