Dear MarMamers
A new review on the cardiorespiratory physiology in cetaceans is published in 
Experimental Physiology and summarizes the current knowledge on 
cardiorespiratory physiology and how a combination of anatomy and physiology 
allows cetaceans to manage gases while diving. This mechanism, the selective 
gas exchange hypothesis, was proposed to explain how cetaceans avoid excessive 
uptake of N2 while also being able to exchange O2 and CO2 while diving. This 
article is open access and can be downloaded at: (doi: 
10.1113/EP091095), and if you have any questions, please contact me at:

Title: Cardiorespiratory adaptations in small cetaceans and marine mammals
Author: Fahlman, A.
Journal: Experimental Physiology
doi: 10.1113/EP091095
The dive response, or the “master switch of life”, is probably the most studied 
physiological trait in marine mammals and is generally thought to conserve the 
available O2 for the heart and brain. Although generally thought to be an 
autonomic reflex, several studies indicate that the cardiovascular changes 
during diving can also be conditioned. The respiratory adaptations, where the 
aquatic breathing pattern resemble intermittent breathing in land mammals, with 
expiratory flow exceeding 160 l · sec-1 has been measured in cetaceans, and 
where exposure to extreme pressures result in alveolar collapse (atelectasis) 
and recruitment upon ascent. Cardiorespiratory coupling, where breathing 
results in changes in heart rate, has been proposed to improve gas exchange. 
This cardiorespiratory coupling has also been reported in marine mammals, and 
in the bottlenose dolphin, where it alters both heart rate and stroke volume. 
When accounting for this respiratory dependence on cardiac function, several 
studies have reported an absence of a diving related bradycardia except during 
dives that exceed the duration that appears to be fuelled by aerobic 
metabolism. In this review, the attempt is made to summarize what is known 
about the respiratory physiology in marine mammals, with a special focus on 
cetaceans. The cardiorespiratory coupling is reviewed, and the selective gas 
exchange hypothesis is summarized, which provides a testable mechanism how 
breath-hold diving vertebrates may actively prevent uptake of N2 during routine 
dives and how stress results in failure of this mechanism which results in 
diving related gas emboli.
1. What is the topic of this review?
This review summarizes the current knowledge of the respiratory physiology in 
small cetaceans and its influence of cardiac function.

2. What advances does it highlight?
The review presents the selective gas exchange hypothesis, which is a framework 
how marine mammals manage gases during diving and based upon the current 
understanding of cardiorespiratory coupling in breath-hold diving vertebrates.

KEYWORDS: diving physiology, marine mammal, cetacean, heart rate, perfusion
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