----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Malecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: M-TH: Jim and the "lone Ranger"!

> By the way a new version of the present NATO aggression on Yugoslavia is
connected to this. The Democratic Socialists in the states are using Le Pens
outbursts against NATO as a stick to beat the left which opposes NATO
calling it a "united front from below with the Nazi's!"
>      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
 Bob, source please for the DSA quote. I heard Bogdan Denitch
on NPR and know he can sling polemics as well as anyone but the
language sounds a bit false still. On the LEFT-L list early in this
imperialist barbeque there were some spirited to and fro between
"humanitarian interventionists" and anti-interventionists from New Leftish
positions which led me to rethink my analysis but I hope your Sparticist
anger over social democratic betrayal hasn't obliterated your ability to
make distinctions.
    P.S. the Heartfield piece was silly to say the least given the latest
bombing in London Soho. I say rename LM, Libertarian Mischief.
(Wish more lefty rags looked as good though!)
               Michael Pugliese, a Social Democratic Running Dog

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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