In message <001c01be95f6$ee8a7f60$02000003@oemcomputer>, Michael
Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>    P.S. the Heartfield piece was silly to say the least given the latest
>bombing in London Soho. I say rename LM, Libertarian Mischief.
>(Wish more lefty rags looked as good though!)

Silly? How so? I said that the bombings would provide an opportunity for
the government to cast itself as the protector of the immigrant
communities and cover up its record of racism. That is exactly what
happened. And I said that the relative decline of the far right led them
to plant bombs, and that is what happened. I take no pleasure in saying,
I told you so.

Incidentally, I take your comments on LM as a compliment - both of them.
I hope that we do cause mischief in the cause of liberty. What's your
alternative? Obedient authoritarianism?

In message <009401be95df$7be678e0$49e3a3c3@malecki>, Bob Malecki

>Anyhow I only said that the cops were certainly worried about the immigrant 
>communities taking things into their own hands through citizen militias. Nothing 
>"x file" about that. Just straight reports from Swedish National news.

The reports are mistaken. The police welcomed the involvement of
immigrant communities, and co-operated with the Southall monitoring
project's Suresh Grover.

>As a matter of factJim wants to insist like the bourgeois press of the "lone 
>ranger" aspect of this. More sleeping pills for poor and working class people! 
>Rather then pointing out that fascism in the anti immigrant rascist form it 
>presents itself these days is a deadly threat to poor and working class people! 

I don't insist anything, but I am not ruling out the likelihood that the
bomber was indeed acting alone, as you seem to be. Let's wait and see
what the evidence is before we make up our minds. 

You consider it to be a wake up call to tell people about the threat of
fascism. But Tony Blair says exactly the same thing in his speech to
Sikhs two nights ago. The bombings mean we must all be vigilant says the
prime minister adding that the bombings are the equivalent of Serbia's
ethnic cleansing policy [!].

It is you who are putting the people to sleep by distracting them from
the real and present danger posed by the police, the government and the
asylum bill. Instead of attacking these dangers you say that we should
all join in Tony Blair's crusade against 'ethnic cleansing' and line up
behind the police and the home secretary.

>I could get "x-file" nasty like Jim and ask who is paying him rather then like 
>Hugh pose the question of not getting payed enough. However I won't because Jim 
>actually believes this garbage along with LM and their sharp turn away from any 
>kind of Marxist analisis of society..

You know who is paying me. The Times paid me for the article I
submitted. I am not ashamed of earning a living. And you are right, I
write what I believe. But it is you who have deviated from a Marxist
analysis in favour of a popular front with Blair.

>PPS...Jim, Um even if this incident were to be proven to be a "lone ranger" 
>incident you are wrong. 

That's what's called backing all the horses.

Jim heartfield

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