At 10:26 23/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 12:51:23 +0100 Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>At 01:46 23/10/99 PDT, Macdonald wrote:
>>>How many times have I wondered if it really possible to forge links 
>>with a 
>>>mass of people when one has never had strong feelings for anyone, not 
>>>one's own parents; if it is possible to have a collectivity when one 
>>has not 
>>>been deeply loved oneself by individual human creatures. Hasn't this 
>>>some effect on my life as a militant- has it not tended to make me 
>>>and reduce my quality as a revolutionary by making everything a 
>>matter of 
>>>pure intellect, of pure mathematical calculation?
>>>       ---Antonio Gramsci, 1926.
>>- Or has it not made him the warmest of the marxists and one of the 
>>relevant for winning back hegemony among working people today?
>>Wonderful quote.
>>Like Althusser he suffered in his imprisonment. 
>Which imprisonment are referring to, Chris?  His confinement
>by the Germans as a POW during WW II which is where he
>first came into contact with Communists or are you referring
>to his post-1980 confinement for reasons which led the London
>tabloids to dub him the "Paris Strangler?"
>Jim Farmelant

I am assuming without admittedly reading extensively about Althusser, that
his imprisonment by the Germans accentuated his depressive and
introspective nature. Any comments?

Chris Burford

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