*Workers Power*, May, p.15

Quoting Livingstone's biographer Carvel, that in the great battles of
the GLC he did 'not mobilise the people who were most effected by the
Lord's judgement [on cheap travel fares]: the poor, the unemployed and
the housebound.' 'He refused to call for industrial action of
transport workers even though the unions and workers were keen.' They
tell of his betrayal of the Miners and of other councils trying to
withstand Tory cuts.

'Without an actual break by the Labour-affiliated unions the existing
reformist party, a new mini-reformist party would be a joke' '100
years of Labour history show that a reformist, parliamentary party
never defends workers and always subordinates the workers' interest to
electorial victory' And then quite incredibly they say, 'As far a
affiliation to Labour is concerned, we don't say  "disaffiliate now".
That would concede ground to Blair without a battle. Unions should
maintain their affiliation, in order to fight inside Labour against
the Blair leadership.' [!!!!! - jw]

Assistant Editor
information Rylands
IRS division

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