At 08:34 10/05/00 +0100, Jim heartfield wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris
>Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >IMO this particular British involvement is progressive and is part of the
> >developing process of world governance, so long as it assists the UN and
> >the West African peace keeping force to re-organise. I say that, conscious
> >at this moment, that the British government deserves strong criticism for
> >its interference in the developing land redistribution in Zimbabwe.
>Well, its hardly surprising. Chris has lined up behind ever imperialist
>venture in the post-cold war world by my recollection.
Cheap shots are part of the internet, but you only have to look at the last
passage that Jim quoted, to see that this is a cheap shot. What Jim is
opposing is any discrimination between the different actions of imperialist
powers as to which are progressive and which are not. This is childish
leftism, ridiculed by Lenin.
Cannot he see for example a progressive side to the pressure the west
brought on Croatia, to remove the repressive and racist features of
Tudjman's regime and accept bourgeois democratic norms?
This refusal to discriminate between positive and negative policies of
imperialism is consistent with the Trotskyist view that opposed
participation in the Second World War, something steadfastly propagated by
the owner of "the" Marxism list.
>It is not the subjective intentions of the imperialists that makes
Of course. That is why even when we see a positive feature in their
policies, we do not "line up" behind them.
Chris Burford
--- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---