Security, Secrecy and a Bush Brother
By Margie Burns

A company that provided security at the World Trade Center, Washington
Dulles International Airport and United Airlines between 1995 and 2001
backed by a private Kuwaiti-American investment firm whose records were
open to full public disclosure, with ties to the Bush family.

Marvin P. Bush, a younger brother of George W. Bush, was a principal in
company from 1993 to 2000, when most of the work on the big projects was 
done. But White House responses to 9/11 have not publicly disclosed the 
company's part in providing security to any of the named facilities.
Public records indicate that the firm, formerly named Securacom, had Bush
on its 
board of directors. He was also listed as a significant shareholder. The
which is now named Stratesec, Inc., is located in Sterling, Va., a D.C.
and emphasizes federal clients. Bush is no longer on the board.
Bush has not responded to repeated telephoned and emailed requests for 

The American Stock Exchange delisted Stratesec's stock in October 2002. 
(Securacom also had a contract to provide security at Los Alamos National

Laboratories, notorious for its security breach.)

According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing 
contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the
fell down." Yet instead of being investigated, the company and companies 
involved with it have benefited from legislation pushed by the Bush White
and rubber-stamped by Congressional Republicans. Stratesec, its backer 
KuwAm, and their corporate officers stand to benefit from limitations on
and national-security protections from investigation provided in bills
since 9/11.
HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc., a reinsurance corporation on whose board
Bush sat as director until November 2002, similarly benefits from
insurance protections. (Bush's first year on the board at HCC coincided
with his 
last year on the board at Stratesec.) HCC, formerly Houston Casualty
carried some of the insurance for the World Trade Center. It posted a
loss for the 
quarter after the attacks of Sept. 11 and dropped participation in
compensation as a result. Bush remains an adviser to the chairman and the

Board of Directors, as well as a member of the company's investment
The former CEO of Stratesec is Wirt D. Walker III, who is still chairman
of the 
board. Although he has also been the managing director of KuwAm for
years, Walker states definitively in phone interviews that there was no
of talent between Stratesec and KuwAm during the WTC and other projects.
As Walker put it, "I'm an investment banker." He continued, "We just
some stock." The investment company "was not involved in any way in the
or day-to-day operations" of the security company. He explained clearly
pleasantly that there was no sharing of information or of personnel
between the 
two companies.

In December 2000 &endash;- when the presidential election was determined
Stratesec added a Government Division, providing "the same full range of 
security systems services as the Commercial Division," in the company's
Stratesec now has "an open-ended contract with the General Services 
Administration (GSA) and a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the
that allows the government to purchase materials and services from the 
Company without having to go through a full competition."
The company lists as government clients "the US Army, US Navy, US Air
and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require
security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites." In
2000, the US 
Army accounted for 29% of the company's earned revenues, or about $6.9 

The White House opposed an independent commission to investigate 9/11
after the terrorism insurance protections and protections for security
had safely passed Congress. It has also quietly intervened in lawsuits
United Airlines in New York, brought by relatives of the victims.
Marvin Bush joined Securacom's Board of Directors in 1993, as part of new

management hired when the company separated from engineering firm Burns 
and Roe. The new team was capitalized by KuwAm, the D.C.-based Kuwaiti-
American investment company. Bush also served on the Board of Directors
KuwAm, along with Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah, Chairman of KuwAm and also

a Director on Securacom's (Stratesec's) board.

The World Trade Center and the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority
which operates Dulles -- were two of Securacom's three biggest clients in
and 1997. (The third was MCI, now WorldCom.)

Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which
separate the 
function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines
itself as 
a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including
from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing
video and 
electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security
When, following the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the Port
of New York and New Jersey began its multi-million-dollar, multiyear
of security in and around the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5,
was among numerous contractors hired in the upgrade.

The companies doing security jobs received due mention in print, in
industry publications and elsewhere. The board membership of a son of
President Bush went unnoticed, at least in print.

According to SEC filings, Securacom/Stratesec acquired the $8.3 million
Trade Center contract in October 1996. The project generated 28% of
revenues for the company in 1996, part of increased over-all revenues.
filings indicate that revenues from the World Trade Center project
commenced in 
1996 at $1.6 million, peaked in 1997 at $6.6 million ($4.1 million in the
first half), 
and diminished in 1998 to less than $1 million.

A key concept in security is "access control." In hindsight, as the
industry's reportage on the WTC precautions makes clear, further attacks
have to come from the air. Unfortunately, such detailed reports did not
that message at home. Nobody thought outside the box enough to deduce
that a 
jumbo jet could overcome even the extraordinary controls at the World
Center. With 20-20 hindsight, it is obvious that the intricate procedures
in the 
building's lobbies and on its perimeters were like trying to stop a 767
with ID 

Barry McDaniel, CEO of the company since January 2002, declines on
grounds to give specific details about work the company did at the World
Center. According to McDaniel, the contract was ongoing (a "completion 
contract"), and "not quite completed when the Center went down." The
designed a system, but &endash; as he points out -- obviously that
"didn't have 
anything to do with planes flying into buildings."

The key words "access control" are less feeble and irrelevant, however,
in regard 
to airports and airlines. Had the hijackers failed on the ground, they
would have 
lost their airborne weapon.

Two of the hijacked planes were United Airlines flights, and one --
though not one 
of the United flights -- took off from Dulles Airport.

McDaniel makes clear that Securacom's contract for UAL was a single-site 
contract, in Indianapolis (at least five years ago), and not local. The
work done, 
finished several years before he joined the board, was not in or near
Dulles Airport, obviously, is another matter. Dulles is regarded as
"absolutely a 
sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of
Florida-based security firm, given its location, size, and the number of 
international carriers it serves.

Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to
security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also
delicate for a 
security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with
a foreign-
owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract 
would have been more closely scrutinized.

As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you
the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with
security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer."
In this context, retired FAA special agent Brian F. Sullivan is angry,
and eloquent. 
"You can have all the security systems in the world, but the people
behind the 
systems make the difference." The Bush administration, says Sullivan,
"spit in 
the faces" of the victims' families, in pushing for last-minute
protections for 
foreign-owned security companies (in the Homeland Security bill).
Sullivan points 
out that "not one single person" in an upper-level position has lost a
job as a 
result of 9/11, "not in the FBI, CIA, FAA, DOT." As he sums up, "No 
accountability, no progress."

Stratesec got its first preventive maintenance contract with Dulles
Airport in 1995, 
generating $0.3 million that year. The Dulles project generated revenue
of $1.2 
million in 1996, $2.5 million in 1997, and $2.3 million in 1998,
accounting for 22% 
of the company's revenues in 1996 and in 1998.

Like other specialists, Professor Dale B. Oderman, in the Aviation
Department at Purdue, concurs that Dulles "was considered a very high
target" as the primary international airport near the nation's capital.
It serves as 
port of entry to about 15 international airlines as well as serving eight
of the 11 
major US passenger carriers. In comparison, Reagan Airport hosts only Air

Canada from outside the US, and Baltimore-Washington Airport hosts about
half dozen."

Stratesec did not handle screening of passengers at Dulles. According to
contracting official for the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority,
its three-
year contract was for maintenance of security systems: It maintained the
access system, the CCTV (closed circuit television) system, and the
badging system.

In 1997, the World Trade Center and Dulles accounted for 55% and 20% of
company's earned revenues, respectively. The WTC and Dulles projects
largely in both Securacom's growing revenues from 1995 to 1997 and its 
decreases from 1997 to 1998.

Stratesec continued to refer to "New York City's World Trade Center" as a
client through April 2001. It listed Dulles Airport and United Airlines
as former 
clients through April 2002.

As with the World Trade Center -&endash; which also had electronic
security gates, and CCTV -- the ultimate problem with Dulles' security
was not the controls themselves, but that they could be sidestepped. All
hijackers had to do was buy a ticket. As former FAA special agent
comments, "If they [attackers] knew about the security system, they knew
how to 
bypass it."

One obvious question for investigators is how much potential hijackers
have known about the security system.

>From 1993 to 1999, KuwAm &endash;- the Kuwait-American Corporation --
a large and often controlling interest in Securacom. In 1996, KuwAm
owned 90% of the company, either directly or through partnerships like
called Special Situations Investment Holdings and another called "Fifth
Company for General Trading and Contracting." KuwAm owned 31% of 
Securacom in 1998 and 47% of Stratesec in 1999. It currently holds only
205,000 shares of Stratesec; Walker, KuwAm's managing director, holds 

Marvin Bush was reelected annually to Securacom's board of directors from
through 1999. His final reelection was on May 25, 1999, for July 1999 to
2000. Throughout, he also served on the company's Audit Committee and 
Compensation Committee, and his stock holdings grew during the period. 
Directors had options to purchase 25,000 shares of stock annually. In
Bush acquired 53,000 shares at 52 cents per share. Shares in the 1997 IPO
at $8.50. Records since 2000 no longer list Bush as a shareholder.
Stratesec and KuwAm were and still are intertwined at the top. Walker,
while a 
principal at Stratesec (a director since 1987, chairman of the board
since 1992, 
and formerly CEO since 1999), was also on the board of directors at KuwAm
is still managing director (both since 1982). Mishal Yousef Saud Al
Sabah, the 
chairman at KuwAm, also served on Stratesec's board from 1991 to 2001. 
Walker and Al Sabah had major stock holdings in each other's companies.
sons also held shares in both companies.

Stratesec, which currently lists 45 employees, hired KuwAm for corporate 
secretarial services in 2002, at $2,500 per month.
For several years, Walker has also been chairman and CEO of an aircraft 
company, Aviation General, about 70% owned by KuwAm.
The Saudi Arabian embassy, the Kuwait embassy, and KuwAm have office 
suites in the Watergate complex, where both Stratesec and Aviation
held their annual shareholders' meetings in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Bush
reelected to his annual board position there, across the hall from a
Saudi Arabian 
Airlines office. (This year, the companies' shareholders meetings
switched to the 
fifth floor, in space also held by Saudis and Kuwaitis.)
Incidentally, Riggs Bank &endash;- where the Saudi Princess Al-Faisal had
checking account &endash;- also has a large office in the Watergate.
Given that 
Jonathan Bush, the president's uncle, is a Riggs executive, it is
difficult to 
understand any obstacle for US authorities pursuing the recently reported
money trail." The princess's charitable activities were processed through
but attention focused on the Saudis seems not to extend to the US bank

McDaniel was asked in a brief telephone interview whether FBI or other
have questioned him or others at Stratesec about the company's security
work in 
connection with 9/11. The concise answer: "No." Asked the same question 
regarding KuwAm, Walker declines to comment further, and refers to the

According to a spokesman in an FBI regional office, by October 2001, "the

investigation [of 9/11] is being coordinated at the national level
directly from the 
White House." If so, you'd think that an administration that could
consider infiltrating American mosques would ask a few questions closer

But the suggestion is inescapable that any investigation into security 
arrangements preceding 9/11, at some of the nation's most sensitive
has been impeded to this day by narrowly political concerns in the White
"Mayberry Machiavellis" strike again: Rather than face possible
at disclosing Bush family interests in the security industry, Team Bush
stonewalled any concession to the public interest, statesmanship or even 
common sense. Every public statement from the White House seems designed 
to direct public attention toward Middle Easterners and away from
doing business with them &endash;- at least if their name is Bush.
>From a purely business or political perspective, stonewalling might be 
understandable. But from the perspective of the victims' families or of
the public, 
it looks odd. This is the White House we're talking about. In all the
expressions of sorrow or pity for the victims, it would have been
natural, surely, 
for the president to say something along the lines of "Why, my own
brother was 
part of that business. He and all of us are heartbroken" etc etc. But
comment has not been forthcoming. He might even have said, "My own
if they had any transactions that might have any connection at all with
individuals involved, will turn over every record" etc. But that
statement has also 
not been uttered.

Margie Burns is a Texas native who now writes from Washington, D.C. Email

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