Thanks Charles. I kinda thought u would clarify this thusly

On 9/1/09, CeJ <> wrote:
> The thing to remember is this: the NEW RULING party is simply a set of
> factions that emerged from the OLD RULING party over 10 years ago.
> They ran as opposition on MORE FREE MARKETS, DEREGULATION,
> LIBERALIZATION and appeasement of big business interests that seek to
> co-habit with American big business interests and the US military.
> It's true that they said they were going to re-think the postal
> privatization (now that everyone realizes it's about the only thing in
> the country that appeasing American interests hasn't yet ruined), but
> it's also important to remember that, at the time the simpleton
> Koizumi of the old ruling party (LDP) was arguing for privatization
> and running on this issue, the DPJ was vaguely arguing the
> privatization didn't go far or deep enough.
> One would expect the usual interests of the American national security
> state empire to argue that Japan started its reforms too late or did
> too little--except the collapse of the US bubbles leaves them so
> thoroughly repudiated by their own stupid free market rhetoric (which
> was more about making Japan pay for more of the US's military spending
> while securing insider deals and monopolized markets with US-Japan
> trade anyway).
> The LDP truly sucked, the DPJ promises to suck even harder.
> CJ
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