"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

This guy reminds me of the Unabomber, also what it means that 
Americans are totally lacking in political and social consciousness. 
While other people are just as fucked up in their own ways, white 
people of this type have a peculiarly apolitical view of their own 
victimization. They can't see their situation as anything more than 
an individual problem, as lone individuals being abused by the 
system, as individuals who can only act alone, and who are victimized 
by bad people running a system that is supposed to work but who have 
betrayed something they thought they were part of and was supposed to 
be functioning properly.

This kind of recklessless is also very middle class. It's what was 
wrong with "Thelma and Louise", which didn't have a thing to do with 
feminism: it was all about class, class, and nothing but class, and 
serves as a very bad example of the recklessness and irresponsibility 
that ensues when middle class people become rebellious.

At 04:43 PM 2/19/2010, waistli...@aol.com wrote:
>I asked  myself, why would a human being work a 100 hour week voluntarily?
>Seven days 12  hours a day is only 72 hours. Add another 28 hours and one
>has no family life  and ultimately no wife or children one can maintain a
>relationship with. Here is  a man that earnestly believed that 
>capitalism could
>work for him and it did work  pretty good in the post WW II period. Things
>stated going to hell a very long  time ago for the proletariat majority. New
>layers of American society is being  ruined.
>The real proletariat in America thinks out things very different, and their
>  spontaneous drift to the right barely leads to terrorist acts on this
>level.  Massive economic ruin does generate an initial response of increased
>family  abuse, bouts of rage and individual suicide. Then depending on the
>ability of  communist to impact the movement with a sense of purpose, the
>implosive subsides  and becomes an outer explosion of activity.
>I  feel no sympathy for this man who drives an airplane into a building
>because he  is angry with the system. Did he own the plane? This angry man
>thought thinks  out as a little capitalist, rather than proletarians still
>clinging to bourgeois  views. ........

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