I have not looked at Bottomore's dictionary since giving it away in 2004. I 
 will run to the bookstore and locate a copy and look at it. Anyone that  
publishes a Marxist glossary enters into extreme controversy with every 
single  segment of the Marxist current. The most difficult aspect of the 
is  staying on focus. The focus is a real audience and creating an 
organizing tool  that is educational. There are comrades better equipped for 
reasons to take  the lead on this project and all have refused. The reason is a 
desire to produce  a glossary that sounds like how the American proletariat 
think things out in  real time. For instance the American proletariat does 
not react to the word  “mediate” or “interpenetration.”  Trade Unions 
mediate relations between  their members and their employers. Trade Unions were 
initially organized to  protect the wages and conditions of labor from 
pressure of their members  employers for profits. Because of the lost ground of 
union over the past 30  years “mediate” becomes a concept meaning union 
enhance wages and this  experience has not been true for almost twenty years.  
The need for the glossary arose in the course of holding classes -  
educationals, with first a group of young people and recruiting a few older -  
retired workers, pushed into action over health care. Let me give a real time  
example of the conceptual problem of the American mind. Here is the agreed 
upon  basic description of dialectical materialism: 

Dialectal materialism: 
Dialectal materialism is an approach and method to the study of a real  
world in constant change. A materialist approach begin with the real material  
world. The world is knowable and our knowledge of its laws develops - 
evolves,  from a lower to a higher level. Society contains laws of development 
moving  society from a lower to a higher level. Change in society is based on  
development of the productive forces and social relations of production. The 
 constant changes and interaction between productive forces and social 
relations  prevents us from knowing everything at any particular moment. But 
that is no  excuse for not accepting and learning about what is real. On the 
contrary, it  inspires a serious Marxist to constantly study. The materialist 
approach is  combined with the dialectical method, treating all phenomena in 
nature and  society as dialectical. The basic laws of materialist 
dialectics are: 
This had to be rewritten The reaction to the term dialectical materialism  
was fascinating and mind boggling. Everyone would demand to know its meaning 
and  treated the term with hostility. We reversed the words and all the 
hostile  reactions disappeared. The second line was changed and the terms “real 
material  world” was reduced to “material world.” The reason is that 
people reacted to  real material world with the ideology “what is real to you 
might not be real to  me,” meaning experience. Ralph, I was fucked up because “
real world” was meant  to deliver a concept of a world existing outside the 
individual human body, mind  and sense perception. People already 
understand the world is real, but  experienced individually. Soon as the 
was changed a different the  concept of dialectical materialism was better 
Here is the rewrite: 
Dialectal materialism: (materialist dialectics) 
Materialist dialectics is an approach and method to the study of a real  
world in constant change. A materialist approach begin with the material 
world.  The world is knowable and our knowledge of its laws grows from a lower 
a  higher level. Society is knowable, containing economic laws moving 
society from  a lower to a higher level. Change in society is based on 
development of the  productive forces. Its constant change prevents us from 
everything at  any particular moment. But that is no excuse for not accepting 
and learning  about what is real. On the contrary, it inspires a serious 
Marxist to constantly  study. The materialist approach is combined with the 
dialectical method,  treating all things in nature and society as dialectical. 
The basic laws of  materialist dialectics are: 
Every understood materialist dialectics in a common way. No one understood  
what it meant but there was a common reaction seeking clarification. Then 
we had  to create a clear picture of the difference between democracy and 
political  liberty. You say “political liberty” and the white proletarians 
react positively  but not the blacks and browns. Blacks and browns react to the 
word democracy  with the identical emotional intensity as the white 
It was like shit. A Marxist glossary cannot be a small Marxist dictionary  
of terms but must be a historical narrative of the American ideology and  
experience viewed through a Marxist lens. “Marxist lens” produced a different 
 reaction from “Marxist standpoint” of “Marxist point of view.”  
Dig how equality was articulated:
Under conditions of feudal society, the demand for equality and to become a 
 citizen, a town person with inalienable rights, rather than a serf 
attached to a  master was very revolutionary. Under conditions of capitalist 
society the demand  for equality is a demand for justice; to reform the system 
favor of the  individual or oppressed peoples and different segments of the 
population.  Equality is a demand for political liberty and to be treated 
the same as ones  economic and social peers and before the law. The demand for 
equality is limited  to the norms of political liberty at a given moment. 
Thus, Gays seeks to be  treated no different from “straights” - 
heterosexual, proletarians even if these  proletarians live in poverty and 
Blacks rightfully fought against  legal, illegal segregation, the lynch rope 
and to share in the political liberty  of the larger Anglo population, even 
if most of this population was on the edge  of poverty. Equality in our 
history contains within it an expression of the  demand of all commodities to 
be treated the same in the market place. One  commodity is no different than 
the other as values or the product of labor.  Communism goes further than 
demanding equality and demands emancipation from  commodity production. (see 
commodity production).  
Then a quote from Engels is presented with a link to his writing. 
No way on earth the above definition of equality could grip the masses 30,  
20 or even ten years ago. The further we advance into a desegregated 
society,  and of course the election of Obama, the more the American mind opens 
and  accepts new ideas. Communism and Marxism are new ideas to the American 
Racism is tackled head on in a new way. Under the index racism is (see  
color factor) . Color factors ends with (see white supremacy and white  
Color factor: 
The color factor was presented as a question of race and race was defined  
as groups within humanity living and existing at different evolutionary 
stages  of human development. There are no biological races amongst humanity. 
The is  only the human race as a species. There are no evolutionary different 
in  humanity only differences in development of the productive forces and 
the social  organization of labor that flows from lower and higher degrees of 
development of  means of production. Thus, racism is mental justification 
for the super  exploitation of a population group. At different points in 
American history  racism was directed against the Irish, Italian and Slavic 
workers. This kind of  racism did not present itself as the color factor. The 
color factor becomes an  index for a form of racism that is actually white 
supremacy and white  chauvinism. The color factor is just that, a factor or 
shades of difference  amongst humanity. (see white chauvinism and white 

Within question this glossary is partisan and a non-Marxist-Leninist  
document. A decision will be made whether to include an index called  “
Marxism-Leninism.” At this point I have voted against it, but the majority will 
going to decide such an issue. Also Stalinism or Stalinists are not indexes,  
with most comrades agreeing not to include these terms. There was an opinion 
to  include something called the Stalin period, which I voted against. Most 
comrades  wanted an index for Trotskyism, which I voted against. On another 
list there was  extreme reaction against the Leninism index.  The so-called 
 Marxist-Leninist all but called for my beheading and claimed Lenin further 
 developed materialist dialectics. I was basically called a revisionist rat 
for  speaking of the October Revolution as a successful insurrection of a 
class. I  was told October was not an insurrection but a revolution. Thus, 
there is an  index for insurrection and revolution and then social revolution. 
Obviously,  those content with Stalin’s definitions of Leninism, which I do 
not reject or  object to as a historical definition appropriate at the time 
it was written,  will find the definition below anti-Marxism-Leninism. . 
Check out the Leninism index. 
Leninism: named after the leader of the Soviet Communists Bolsheviks,  
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Lenin was the singular central leader of Russian  
revolutionaries who led the October Revolution - insurrection, of 1917. As  
of the Bolshevik Party, he was premier of the USSR during its initial  years 
(1917–24), during which the Bolsheviks fought the Russian Civil War  (1917–
24) while working to  establish the foundation of a socialist  economic 
system in a semi–feudal country. 
As a politician, Vladimir Lenin was a prolific writer, and persuasive  
orator.  As a political scientist he worked out the principles to establish  a 
"party of a new type" capable of leading the proletariat in the contest for  
political power. As a Marxist, Lenin’s doctrine of "the party of a new type" 
and  proposed resolution of colonial policy is at the heart of the doctrine 
baring  his name. Leninism was a doctrine of combat within Marxism in the 
era of the  rise of finance capital, the first world imperialist war, 
transformation of the  national question into the national-colonial revolution 
proletarian  revolution as a path to complete the transition from feudalism 
to industrial  society. Lenin defined the economic task of the Soviet 
government as building  the foundation for an socialist society in a country of 
OK, this is why I called out for you Ralph, in particular. Your bullshit  
detector is finely tuned. I am not in the mood for a bunch of crap about the  
role of Lenin’s Materialism and Empiro Criticism in the evolution of  
articulating materialist dialectics. I have had enough of the Marxist-Leninists 
dogma and protecting of Leninism as if Lenin was ones prom date or midnight  
date. I am 100% shut off from political Trotskyism and their insufferable  
eloquence in defense of petty bourgeois nonsensical concepts of the 
proletariat  and proletarian revolution. Basically, this crew is ideological 
syndicalists  (council communists or anarcho - syndicalists), but they do not 
this. I do  plan to float a draft over to the local folks of Workers World. 
Their action  orientation is refreshing and gives them a narrative not 
hostile to the American  mind. Plus, I do not hate on much of the writing of 
Not many older Marxists are going to like this glossary including some of  
the contributors.  What is liked is the real effort behind creating the  
first popular Marxist glossary to appear in America in 60 years. It is also  
worth noting that 90% of those involved in the actual process are black 
Marxists  that happen to be 100% industrial workers and 100% retired workers 
between  30 and 40 years at either Chrysler, Ford General Motors or the old 
tank plant -  General Dynamics. A group of industrial workers, Marxists to 
boot, could not  carry out such a task before no matter of what gender, color 
or ethnic heritage. 
The last great surge of Marxism in America was carried out by basically  
European immigrants in the 1910 - 1920 period. These guys, many undocumented  
workers and intellectuals carried the ball and scored. Today a hereditary  
proletariat and deeply native crew of Marxists, born of the last period 
fighting  to define the moment are seeking to carry the ball we inherited. In 
on the  Marxist backs of these European immigrants we stand. The ball was 
passed to us  by none other than late Dave Moore. 
We will never repudiate our history, we will never surrender. Our caskets  
are already paid for and as Obama puts matters, at this defining moment we 
are  going to blaze a new path. 


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