Marxism-Thaxis] J. B. S. Haldane
Jim Farmelant farmelantj at
Thu Dec 8 08:20:08 MST 2005

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On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 10:04:54 -0500 "Charles Brown"
<cbrown at> writes:
> In dealing with the impact of materialist dialectics in science,
> Haldane is
> an important figure. He wrote and intro to _Dialectics of Nature_.
> Haldane
> is one of the major British theoretical biologists, co-founder of
> population
> genetics. I recall first hearing of Haldane in biological
> anthropology
> class, Haldane's Dilemma, and the mathematical solution Haldane
> developed.
> Can't remember the specifics and haven't be able to search engine.
> Could
> dialectical approach have helped Haldane in dealing with a dilemma ?

As Charles says, Haldane was one of the fathers of population
genetics. He was also one of the architects of what is known
as the neo-Darwinian synthesis in evolutionary biology, by
which Darwinism and Mendelian genetics were brought
together in order to provide a mathematical understanding
of how natural selection works. That was one of the great
scientific achievements of the 20th century. He anticipated
the kin selection hypothesis that was developed by
William Hamilton in order to explain altruism between
genetically related organisms.  And John Maynard
Smith, who along with Hamilton, George Williams, and
Richard Dawkins, was a developer of the gene-centered
view of evolution was a student of Haldane.

JBS Haldane was in his day a leading critic of
scientific racism and of theories that attempted
to explain social class in terms of genetic factors.

Haldane did claim to find dialectics useful in
his scientific research.  He was one of the
world's leading Mendelian geneticists, which
made his membership in the CPGB increasingly
untenable after WW II, when Lysenkoism became
official dogma in the Soviet Union and CPs outside
the Soviet Union came under pressure to embrace
it as dogma too. This is certainly one reason why
he left the Party.

> Caudwell, Cornforth and Haldane are important in Marxism, science
> and
> materialist dialectics.
> CB
> ^^^^^^^
> J. B. S. Haldane
> >From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
> <> , search
> <>
> J.B.S. Haldane with his second wife Helen Spurway
> John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (November 5 , who normally used
> "J.B.S." as a
> first name, was a British geneticist  and evolutionary biologist  .
> He was
> one of the founders (along with Ronald Fisher
> <>  and Sewall Wright
> <> ) of population
> genetics
> <> .
> Contents
> [hide <javascript:toggleToc()> ]
> *     1 Biography
> <>
> *     2 References
> <>
> *     3 Publications
> <>
> *     4 External links
> <>
> [edit

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