On Thu, 6 May 2010 15:05:27 -0400 c b <cb31...@gmail.com> writes:
> A speculative answer in the form of a question: Were editors exiled 
> or
> something ?

Domhnall  Cobhthaigh sent me the
following offlist.

Jim Farmelant

Vol 3 of MECW P 188:
Letter to the editor of the Allgemeine Zeitung (Augsberg)
The diverse rumours which have  been spread by German newspapers
concerning the discontinuation of the Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher
impel me to state that the Swiss publishers of the Jahrbucher suddenly
withdrew from this enterprise for economic reasons and thus made
impossible the continuation of this journal for the time being
Karl Marx
Paris April 14, 1844
However, the note indicates:
36 The printing of the journal was carried out in Zurich by the
publishing house Das literarische Comptoir founded by Julius Frobel in
1842. Besides the reason mentioned in the letter, disagreements between
Marx and Arnold Ruge were largely responsible for the journal ceasing to
be published. These disagreements boiled down to the fact that the
bourgeois radical Ruge opposed Marx's revolutionary-communist world
outlook. The final break between Marx and Ruge took place in March 1844.
Ruge's hostile attitude towards the revolutionary struggle of the masses,
which became evident at the time of the Silesian uprising of June 1844,
induced Marx to come out in the press against his former co-editor.
My own note: There are large amounts of further detail on Ruge-Marx
correspondence and different perspectives on the purpose of the
Jahrbucher in Volume 3 of MECW. These would appear to confirm the
validity of the note's interpretation although knowing Marx's integrity I
suspect the letter is true in some regard also.
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