On Wed, 2 Jun 2010 16:00:02 -0400 c b <cb31...@gmail.com> writes:
> I know Hedges is no Nadja's favorite, but this is not a bad one.

Well, I don't think that she can ever forgive him for
having worked for the NY Times in the past.

In general, it's a good piece, but Ralph Dumain
was correct in pointing out that Hedges's understanding
of Marx leaves something to be desired, as when
he wrote:

"It does not mean we have to agree with
Karl Marx, who advocated violence and whose worship of the state as a
utopian mechanism led to another form of enslavement of the working
class, but we have to speak in the vocabulary Marx employed."

Marx did accept the legitmacy of violence in class
struggle, but he certainly did not welcome violence
as an end in itself.  He welcomed the possibility
of non-violent revolutions, which he thought
possible in certain countries like the Netherlands.
He was also not a worshipper of the state as such.
In fact, he looked forward to the eventual withering
away of the state.

Jim Farmelant

> Charles
> ^^^^
> This Country Needs a Few Good Communists
> Posted on May 31, 2010
> AP / Elizabeth Dalziel
> By Chris Hedges
> The witch hunts against communists in the United States were used 
> to
> silence socialists, anarchists, pacifists and all those who defied 
> the
> abuses of capitalism. .
> full: 
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