1. Presentation of the Question by Marx
>From a superficial comparison of Marx's letter to Bracke of May 5,
1875, with Engels' letter to Bebel of March 28, 1875, which we
examined above, it might appear that Marx was much more of a "champion
of the state" than Engels, and that the difference of opinion between
the two writers on the question of the state was very considerable.

Engels suggested to Bebel that all chatter about the state be dropped
altogether, that the word “state” be eliminated from the programme
altogether and the word “community” substituted for it. Engels even
declared that the Commune was long a state in the proper sense of the
word. Yet Marx even spoke of the "future state in communist society",
i.e., he would seem to recognize the need for the state even under

But such a view would be fundamentally wrong. A closer examination
shows that Marx's and Engels' views on the state and its withering
away were completely identical, and that Marx's expression quoted
above refers to the state in the process of withering away.

Clearly, there can be no question of specifying the moment of the
future "withering away", the more so since it will obviously be a
lengthy process. The apparent difference between Marx and Engels is
due to the fact that they wealth with different subject and pursued
different aims. Engels set out to show Bebel graphically, sharply, and
in broad outline the utter absurdity of the current prejudices
concerning the state (shared to no small degree by Lassalle). Marx
only touched upon this question in passing, being interested in
another subject, namely, the development of communist society.
The whole theory of Marx is the application of the theory of
development--in its most consistent, complete, considered and pithy
form--to modern capitalism. Naturally, Marx was faced with the problem
of applying this theory both to the forthcoming collapse of capitalism
and to the future development of future communism.

On the basis of what facts, then, can the question of the future
development of future communism be dealt with?

On the basis of the fact that it has its origin in capitalism, that it
develops historically from capitalism, that it is the result of the
action of a social force to which capitalism gave birth. There is no
trace of an attempt on Marx's part to make up a utopia, to indulge in
idle guess-work about what cannot be known. Marx treated the question
of communism in the same way as a naturalist would treat the question
of the development of, say, a new biological variety, once he knew
that it had originated in such and such a way and was changing in such
and such a definite direction.

To begin with, Marx brushed aside the confusion the Gotha Programme
brought into the question of the relationship between state and
society. He wrote:

"'Present-day society' is capitalist society, which exists in all
civilized countries, being more or less free from medieval admixture,
more or less modified by the particular historical development of each
country, more or less developed. On the other hand, the 'present-day
state' changes with a country's frontier. It is different in the
Prusso-German Empire from what it is in Switzerland, and different in
England from what it is in the United States. 'The present-day state'
is, therefore, a fiction.

"Nevertheless, the different states of the different civilized
countries, in spite of their motley diversity of form, all have this
in common, that they are based on modern bourgeois society, only one
more or less capitalistically developed. The have, therefore, also
certain essential characteristics in common. In this sense it is
possible to speak of the 'present-day state', in contrast with the
future, in which its present root, bourgeois society, will have died

"The question then arises: what transformation will the state undergo
in communist society? In other words, what social functions will
remain in existence there that are analogous to present state
functions? This question can only be answered scientifically, and one
does not get a flea-hop nearer to the problem by a thousandfold
combination of the word people with the word state."[1]

After thus ridiculing all talk about a "people's state", Marx
formulated the question and gave warning, as it were, that those
seeking a scientific answer to it should use only firmly-established
scientific data.

The first fact that has been established most accurately by the whole
theory of development, by science as a whole--a fact that was ignored
by the utopians, and is ignored by the present-day opportunists, who
are afraid of the socialist revolution--is that, historically, there
must undoubtedly be a special stage, or a special phase, of transition
from capitalism to communism.

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