Britain's Brainiest Family is Black and Has 9-Year Old High School-Bound...

    Britain 's Brainiest Family is Black and Has 9-Year-Old High
School-Bound Twins  Paula and Peter Imafidon are just like any other
9-year-olds. They love laughing, playing on the computer and fighting
with each other. What sets these twins apart from their peers, though,
is that they are, hands down, prodigies who are about to enter high
school and make British history as the youngest to do so.The
precocious London-based tykes, known as the "Wonder Twins," floored
academics a year ago when they aced University of Cambridge 's
advanced mathematics exam. They are the youngest students to ever pass
the test.  The future little scholars' father, Chris, and mother, Ann,
immigrated to Britain from Nigeria more
 than 30 years ago and have actually been down this prodigy route
before with their three older children, who are also overachievers.
The couple's oldest daughter, Anne-Marie, is now 20, but at age 13,
she won a British government scholarship to take undergraduate courses
at John s Hopkins University in Baltimore . Christiana,   17, their
other daughter, is the youngest student ever to study at the
undergraduate level in any British University at the age of 11.
Youngest daughter, Samantha, now 12, passed two rigorous   high school
level mathematics and statistics exams at the age of 6. She mentored
the twins to   pass their own math secondary school test when they
were also 6.   Even with all of this, the proud dad denies that there
is any particular genius in his family. He does credit his children's
success to the Excellence in Education program for disadvantaged
inner-city youth. "Every child is a genius," he said. "Once you
identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that
will nurture that talent, then the sky is the limit. Look at Tiger
Woods or the Williams sisters -- they were nurtured. You can never
rule anything out with them. The competition between the two of them
makes them excel in anything they do."  The darling duo are
competitive to say the least, and this is what fuels them to
out-achieve each other. Paula said, "I am excited to pass, but I
should have got higher than Peter." As far as career paths Paula says
she wants to be a math teacher, while Peter aspires to be prime
minister one day.

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