Value, Price and Profit.

by Karl Marx


Before entering into the subject-matter, allow me to
make a few preliminary remarks.
There reigns now on the Continent a real epidemic of
strikes, and a general clamor for a rise of wages. The
question will turn up at our Congress. You, as the head
of the International Association, ought to have settled
convictions upon this paramount question. For my own
part, I considered it therefore my duty to enter fully into
the matter, even at the peril of putting your patience to
a severe test.
Another preliminary remark I have to make in regard
to Citizen Weston. He has not only proposed to you, but
has publicly defended, in the interests of the working
class, as he thinks, opinions he knows to be most unpopular
with the working class. Such an exhibition of
moral courage all of us must highly honor. I hope that,
despite the unvarnished style of my paper, at its conclusion
he will find me agreeing with what appears to me
the just idea lying at the bottom of his theses, which,
however, in their present form, I cannot but consider
theoretically false and practically dangerous.
I shall now at once proceed to the business before us.

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Citizen Weston’s argument rested, in fact, upon two
premises: firstly, that the amount of national production
is a fixed thing, a constant quantity or magnitude, as the
mathematicians would say; secondly, that the amount of
real wages, that is to say, of wages as measured by the
quantity of the commodities they can buy, is a fixed
amount, a constant magnitude.
Now, his first assertion is evidently erroneous. Year
after year you will find that the value and mass of production
increase, that the productive powers of the national
labor increase, and that the amount of money necessary
to circulate this increasing production continuously
changes. What is true at the end of the year, and
for different years compared with each other, is true for
every average day of the year. The amount or magnitude
of national production changes continuously. It is not a
constant but a variable magnitude, and apart from
changes in population it must be so, because of the continuous
change in the accumulation of capital and the
productive powers of labor. It is perfectly true that if a
rise in the general rate of wages should take place to-day,
that rise, whatever its ulterior effects might be, would,
by itself, not immediately change the amount of production.
It would, in the first instance, proceed from the existing
state of things. But if before the rise of wages the
national production was variable, and not fixed, it will
continue to be variable and not fixed after the rise of
Socialist Labor Party 13
But suppose the amount of national production to be
constant instead of variable. Even then, what our friend
Weston considers a logical conclusion would still remain
a gratuitous assertion. If I have a given number, say
eight, the absolute limits of this number do not prevent
its parts from changing their relative limits. If profits
were six and wages two, wages might increase to six and
profits decrease to two, and still the total amount remain
eight. Thus the fixed amount of production would by no
means prove the fixed amount of wages. How then does
our friend Weston prove this fixity? By asserting it.
But even conceding him his assertion, it would cut
both ways, while he presses it only in one direction. If
the amount of wages is a constant magnitude, then it
can be neither increased nor diminished. If then, in enforcing
a temporary rise of wages, the workingmen act
foolishly, the capitalists, in enforcing a temporary fall of
wages, would act not less foolishly. Our friend Weston
does not deny that, under certain circumstances, the
workingmen can enforce a rise of wages, but their
amount being naturally fixed, there must follow a reaction.
On the other hand, he knows also that the capitalists
can enforce a fall of wages, and, indeed, continuously
try to enforce it. According to the principle of the constancy
of wages, a reaction ought to follow in this case
not less than in the former. The workingmen, therefore,
reacting against the attempt at, or the act of, lowering
wages, would act rightly. They would, therefore, act
rightly in enforcing a rise of wages, because every reaction
against the lowering of wages is an action for raising
wages. According to Citizen Weston’s own principle
of the constancy of wages, the workingmen ought, therefore,
under certain circumstances, to combine and strugVALUE,
Socialist Labor Party 14
gle for a rise of wages.
If he denies this conclusion, he must give up the premise
from which it flows. He must not say that the amount
of wages is a constant quantity, but that, although it
cannot and must not rise, it can and must fall, whenever
capital pleases to lower it. If the capitalist pleases to
feed you upon potatoes instead of upon meat, and upon
oats instead of upon wheat, you must accept his will as a
law of political economy, and submit to it. If in one country
the rate of wages is higher than in another, in the
United States, for example, than in England, you must
explain this difference in the rate of wages by a difference
between the will of the American capitalist and the
will of the English capitalist, a method which would certainly
very much simplify, not only the study of economic
phenomena, but of all other phenomena.
But even then, we might ask, why the will of the
American capitalist differs from the will of the English
capitalist? And to answer the question you must go beyond
the domain of will. A person may tell me that God
wills one thing in France, and another thing in England.
If I summon him to explain this duality of will, he might
have the brass to answer me that God wills to have one
will in France and another will in England. But our
friend Weston is certainly the last man to make an argument
of such a complete negation of all reasoning.
The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much
as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his
will, but to enquire into his power, the limits of that
power, and character of those limits.
Socialist Labor Party 15
The address Citizen Weston read to us might have
been compressed into a nutshell.
All his reasoning amounted to this: If the working
class forces the capitalist class to pay five shillings instead
of four shillings in the shape of money wages, the
capitalist will return in the shape of commodities four
shillings’ worth. The working class would have to pay
five shillings for what, before the rise of wages, they
bought with four shillings. But why is this the case?
Why does the capitalist only return four shillings’ worth
for five shillings? Because the amount of wages is fixed.
But why is it fixed at four shillings’ worth of commodities?
Why not at three, or two, or any other sum? If the
limit of the amount of wages is settled by an economic
law, independent alike of the will of the capitalist and
the will of the workingman, the first thing Citizen Weston
had to do was to state that law and prove it. He
ought then, moreover, to have proved that the amount of
wages actually paid at every given moment always corresponds
exactly to the necessary amount of wages, and
never deviates from it. If, on the other hand, the given
limit of the amount of wages is founded on the mere will
of the capitalist, or the limits of his avarice, it is an arbitrary
limit. There is nothing necessary in it. It may be
changed by the will of the capitalist, and may, therefore,
be changed against his will.
Citizen Weston illustrated his theory by telling you
Socialist Labor Party 16
that when a bowl contains a certain quantity of soup, to
be eaten by a certain number of persons, an increase in
the broadness of the spoons would not produce an increase
in the amount of soup. He must allow me to find
this illustration rather spoony. It reminded me somewhat
of the simile employed by Menenius Agrippa.
When the Roman plebeians struck against the Roman
patricians, the patrician Agrippa told them that the patrician
belly fed the plebeian members of the body politic.
Agrippa failed to show that you feed the members of
one man by filling the belly of another. Citizen Weston,
on his part, has forgotten that the bowl from which the
workmen eat is filled with the whole produce of the national
labor, and that what prevents them fetching more
out of it is neither the narrowness of the bowl nor the
scantiness of its contents, but only the smallness of their
By what contrivance is the capitalist enabled to return
four shillings’ worth for five shillings? By raising
the price of the commodity he sells. Now, does a rise and
more generally a change in the prices of commodities, do
the prices of commodities themselves, depend on the
mere will of the capitalist? Or are, on the contrary, certain
circumstances wanted to give effect to that will? If
not, the ups and downs, the incessant fluctuations of
market prices, become an insoluble riddle.
As we suppose that no change whatever has taken
place either in the productive powers of labor, or in the
amount of capital and labor employed, or in the value of
the money wherein the values of products are estimated,
but only a change in the rate of wages, how could that
rise of wages affect the prices of commodities? Only by
affecting the actual proportion between the demand for,
Socialist Labor Party 17
and the supply of, these commodities.
It is perfectly true that, considered as a whole, the
working class spends, and must spend, its income upon
necessaries. A general rise in the rate of wages would,
therefore, produce a rise in the demand for, and consequently
in the market prices of, necessaries. The capitalists
who produce these necessaries would be compensated
for the risen wages by the rising market prices of
their commodities. But how with the other capitalists
who do not produce necessaries? And you must not fancy
them a small body. If you consider that two-thirds of the
national produce are consumed by one-fifth of the population—
a member of the House of Commons stated it
recently to be but one-seventh of the population—you
will understand what an immense proportion of the national
produce must be produced in the shape of luxuries,
or be exchanged for luxuries, and what an immense
amount of the necessaries themselves must be wasted
upon flunkeys, horses, cats, and so forth, a waste we
know from experience to become always much limited
with the rising prices of necessaries.
Well, what would be the position of those capitalists
who do not produce necessaries? For the fall in the rate
of profit, consequent upon the general rise of wages, they
could not compensate themselves by a rise in the price of
their commodities, because the demand for those commodities
would not have increased. Their income would
have decreased, and from this decreased income they
would have to pay more for the same amount of higherpriced
necessaries. But this would not be all. As their
income had diminished they would have less to spend
upon luxuries, and therefore their mutual demand for
their respective commodities would diminish. ConseVALUE,
Socialist Labor Party 18
quent upon this diminished demand the prices of their
commodities would fall. In these branches of industry,
therefore, the rate of profit would fall, not only in simple
proportion to the general rise in the rate of wages, but in
the compound ratio of the general rise of wages, the rise
in the prices of necessaries, and the fall in the prices of
What would be the consequence of this difference in
the rates of profit for capitals employed in the different
branches of industry? Why, the consequence that generally
obtains whenever, from whatever reason, the average
rate of profit comes to differ in different spheres of
production. Capital and labor would be transferred from
the less remunerative to the more remunerative
branches; and this process of transfer would go on until
the supply in the one department of industry would have
risen proportionately to the increased demand, and
would have sunk in the other departments according to
the decreased demand. This change effected, the general
rate of profit would again be equalized in the different
branches. As the whole derangement originally arose
from a mere change in the proportion of the demand for,
and supply of, different commodities, the cause ceasing,
the effect would cease, and prices would return to their
former level and equilibrium. Instead of being limited to
some branches of industry, the fall in the rate of profit
consequent upon the rise of wages would have become
general. According to our supposition, there would have
taken place no change in the productive powers of labor,
nor in the aggregate amount of production, but that
given amount of production would have changed its form.
A greater part of the produce would exist in the shape of
necessaries, a lesser part in the shape of luxuries, or
Socialist Labor Party 19
what comes to the same, a lesser part would be exchanged
for foreign luxuries, and be consumed in its
original form, or, what again comes to the same, a
greater part of the native produce would be exchanged
for foreign necessaries instead of for luxuries. The general
rise in the rate of wages would, therefore, after a
temporary disturbance of market prices, only result in a
general fall of the rate of profit without any permanent
change in the prices of commodities.
If I am told that in the previous argument I assume
the whole surplus wages to be spent upon necessaries, I
answer that I have made the supposition most advantageous
to the opinion of Citizen Weston. If the surplus
wages were spent upon articles formerly not entering
into the consumption of the workingmen, the real increase
of their purchasing power would need no proof.
Being, however, only derived from an advance of wages,
that increase of their purchasing power must exactly
correspond to the decrease of the purchasing power of
the capitalists. The aggregate demand for commodities
would, therefore, not increase, but the constituent parts
of that demand would change. The increasing demand on
the one side would be counterbalanced by the decreasing
demand on the other side. Thus the aggregate demand
remaining stationary, no change whatever could take
place in the market prices of commodities.
You arrive, therefore, at this dilemma: Either the surplus
wages are equally spent upon all articles of consumption—
then the expansion of demand on the part of
the working class must be compensated by the contraction
of demand on the part of the capitalist class—or the
surplus wages are only spent upon some articles whose
market prices will temporarily rise. Then the consequent
Socialist Labor Party 20
rise in the rate of profit in some, and the consequent fall
in the rate of profit in other branches of industry will
produce a change in the distribution of capital and labor,
going on until the supply is brought up to the increased
demand in the one department of industry, and brought
down to the diminished demand in the other departments
of industry. On the one supposition there will occur
no change in the prices of commodities. On the other
supposition, after some fluctuations of market prices, the
exchangeable values of commodities will subside to the
former level. On both suppositions the general rise in the
rate of wages will ultimately result in nothing else but a
general fall in the rate of profit.
To stir up your powers of imagination Citizen Weston
requested you to think of the difficulties which a general
rise of English agricultural wages from nine shillings to
eighteen shillings would produce. Think, he exclaimed,
of the immense rise in the demand for necessaries, and
the consequent fearful rise in their prices! Now, all of
you know that the average wages of the American agricultural
laborer amount to more than double that of the
English agricultural laborer, although the prices of agricultural
produce are lower in the United States than in
the United Kingdom, although the general relations of
capital and labor obtain in the United States the same
as in England, and although the annual amount of production
is much smaller in the United States than in
England.1 Why, then, does our friend ring this alarum
1 It were almost superfluous to observe, that in the thirty-five years
that have elapsed since Karl Marx wrote this, the relative conditions of
the United States and England, not only in agriculture but in all lines
of production, have undergone considerable changes, which, however,
Socialist Labor Party 21
bell? Simply to shift the real question before us. A sudden
rise of wages from nine shillings to eighteen shillings
would be a sudden rise to the amount of 100 per
cent. Now, we are not at all discussing the question
whether the general rate of wages in England could be
suddenly increased by 100 per cent. We have nothing at
all to do with the magnitude of the rise, which in every
practical instance must depend on, and be suited to,
given circumstances. We have only to inquire how a general
rise in the rate of wages, even if restricted to one
per cent., will act.
Dismissing friend Weston’s fancy rise of 100 per cent.,
I propose calling your attention to the real rise of wages
that took place in Great Britain from 1849 to 1859.
You are all aware of the Ten Hours Bill, or rather
Ten-and-a-half Hours Bill, introduced since 1848. This
was one of the greatest economic changes we have witnessed.
It was a sudden and compulsory rise of wages,
not in some local trades, but in the leading industrial
branches by which England sways the markets of the
world. It was a rise of wages under circumstances singularly
unpropitious. Dr. Ure, Professor Senior, and all the
other official economical mouthpieces of the middle class,
proved, and I must say upon much stronger grounds
than those of our friend Weston, that it would sound the
death-knell of English industry. They proved that it not
only amounted to a simple rise of wages, but to a rise of
wages initiated by, and based upon, a diminution of the
quantity of labor employed. They asserted that the
twelfth hour you wanted to take from the capitalist was
do not in the least affect his argument and conclusions.—LUCIEN
Socialist Labor Party 22
exactly the only hour from which he derived his profit.
They threatened a decrease of accumulation, rise of
prices, loss of markets, stinting of production, consequent
reaction upon wages, ultimate ruin. In fact, they
declared Maximilian Robespierre’s Maximum Laws to be
a small affair compared to it; and they were right in a
certain sense. Well, what was the result? A rise in the
money wages of the factory operatives, despite the curtailing
of the working day, a great increase in the number
of factory hands employed, a continuous fall in the
prices of their products, a marvelous development in the
productive powers of their labor, an unheard-of progressive
expansion of the markets for their commodities. In
Manchester, at the meeting, in 1860, of the Society for
the Advancement of Science, I myself heard Mr. Newman
confess that he, Dr. Ure, Senior, and all other official
propounders of economic science had been wrong,
while the instinct of the people had been right. I mention
Mr. W. Newman, not Professor Francis Newman, because
he occupies an eminent position in economic science,
as the contributor to, and editor of, Mr. Thomas
Tooke’s History of Prices, that magnificent work which
traces the history of prices from 1793 to 1856. If our
friend Weston’s fixed idea of a fixed amount of wages, a
fixed amount of production, a fixed degree of the productive
power of labor, a fixed and permanent will of the
capitalists, and all his other fixedness and finality were
correct, Professor Senior’s woeful forebodings would
have been right, and Robert Owen, who already in 1816
proclaimed a general limitation of the working day the
first preparatory step to the emancipation of the working
class, and actually in the teeth of the general prejudice
inaugurated it on his own hook in his cotton factory at
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New Lanark, would have been wrong.
In the very same period during which the introduction
of the Ten Hours Bill, and the rise of wages consequent
upon it, occurred, there took place in Great Britain, for
reasons which it would be out of place to enumerate
here, a general rise in agricultural wages.
Although it is not required for my immediate purpose,
in order not to mislead you, I shall make some preliminary
If a man got two shillings weekly wages, and if his
wages rose to four shillings, the rate of wages would
have risen by 100 per cent. This would seem a very
magnificent thing if expressed as a rise in the rate of
wages, although the actual amount of wages, four shillings
weekly, would still remain a wretchedly small, a
starvation pittance. You must not, therefore, allow yourselves
to be carried away by the high sounding per cents.
in the rate of wages. You must always ask, What was the
original amount?
Moreover, you will understand, that if there were ten
men receiving each 2s. per week, five men receiving each
5s., and five men receiving 11s. weekly, the twenty men
together would receive 100s., or £5, weekly. If then a
rise, say by 20 per cent., upon the aggregate sum of their
weekly wages took place, there would be an advance
from £5 to £6. Taking the average, we might say that the
general rate of wages had risen by 20 per cent., although,
in fact, the wages of the ten men had remained stationary,
the wages of the one lot of five men had risen from
5s. to 6s. only, and the wages of the other lot of five men
from 55s. to 70s. One half of the men would not have improved
at all their position, one quarter would have improved
it in an imperceptible degree, and only one quarVALUE,
Socialist Labor Party 24
ter would have bettered it really. Still, reckoning by the
average, the total amount of wages of those twenty men
would have increased by 20 per cent, and as far as the
aggregate capital that employs them, and the prices of
the commodities they produce, are concerned, it would
be exactly the same as if all of them had equally shared
in the average rise of wages. In the case of agricultural
labor, the standard wages being very different in the different
counties of England and Scotland, the rise affected
them very unequally.
Lastly, during the period when that rise of wages took
place counteracting influences were at work, such as the
new taxes consequent upon the Russian war, the extensive
demolition of the dwelling-houses of the agricultural
laborers, and so forth.
Having premised so much, I proceed to state that from
1849 to 1859 there took place a rise of about 40 per cent.
in the average rate of the agricultural wages of Great
Britain. I could give you ample details in proof of my assertion,
but for the present purpose think it sufficient to
refer you to the conscientious and critical paper read in
1860 by the late Mr. John C. Morton at the London Society
of Arts on “The Forces Used in Agriculture.” Mr.
Morton gives the returns, from bills and other authentic
documents, which he had collected from about one hundred
farmers, residing in twelve Scotch and thirty-five
English counties.
According to our friend Weston’s opinion, and taken
together with the simultaneous rise in the wages of the
factory operatives, there ought to have occurred a tremendous
rise in the prices of agricultural produce during
the period 1849 to 1859. But what is the fact? Despite
the Russian war, and the consecutive unfavorable har

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