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I disagree with Walter Lippmann's comments on Libya on Marxmail. I
think Fidel and Chavez have blundered in not clearly expressing their
support with the revolutionary insurrection against the West's thug in
Tripoli, Colonel Gaddafi. The national question is subordinate to the
class struggle. Fidel and Chavez did not hesitate to express their
support for the popular upsurge in Egypt, yet Walter did not rush to
denounce this "interference" in Egypt's internal affairs.

But I urge Louis Proyect to reconsider his decision to expel Walter
Lippman from this list. This is a necessary debate and one that should
be allowed to run its course on Marxmail. Censoring Walter's views
because they are different from those of the list editor is childish
and diminishes the value of Marxmail.

Marce Cameron

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