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Our Black communities were already "different people" under the law— until the 1960's when gradually Jim Crow laws were repealed. There were laws. Real legal laws that were enforced. "Affirmative Action" is just recognition of an existing state of affairs, a recognition that is *supposed* to say that it is illegal to discriminate. Of course poverty is the problem, … or maybe it is unemployment. If decent jobs were available, poverty would surely shrink almost away. But this is utopian because capitalism needs the reserve army of the unemployed visible to the workers to remind them of where they will end up if they misbehave. And why hire a child when the boss can hire a full grown man for the same price?

On May 13, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Caio Rearte wrote:

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

David, I'm sorry if I was too defensive.

Affirmative action doesn't attack the real issue: poverty. Poverty is what leads to school evasion, not having the opportunity to study (because when your parents earn minimum wage - or less - you need to enter the workforce at 10, 11, or younger), and even if you do get a grade, you get paid less
than the white fella working next to you. Plus, affirmative action
segregates, because it turns people with different skin colors
into different *people *under the Law*, *who are entitled to different
rights - rights that should be universal, like access to education.

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