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On 07/20/2014 02:09 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:
>> I don't think the question is one of blame. Accidents happen.
> MK: Exactly. So we need to separate the informational issue of whose
> accident it was from the idea that this has some connection to the
> politics if the conflict. 
I don't think we can just blow this off with "shit happens."

A very aggressive decision was made to take out a plane at 33,000 ft.
This was not a plane involved in air attacks. It followed threats to
attack anything flying over Eastern Ukraine and it required especially
trained crews and weapons. Also see;

> Russia has been escalating its war in Ukraine for weeks. The urgency
> to win turned to recklessness.
> President Putin has been recklessly escalating the crisis in eastern
> Ukraine since he was embarrassed and outmaneuvered by the Ukrainian
> president three weeks ago. Allowing a passenger jet to be shot down is
> the act of an increasingly desperate man.
> The Kremlin ordered tanks, heavy weapons and Russian fighters to pour
> over the border stoking up the crisis until tragedy struck. We should
> have seen it coming; on Wednesday morning the front page of Foreign
> Policy magazine had a headline that should have sent shockwaves
> through the geopolitical landscape: Russia Is Firing Missiles At
> Ukraine
> <http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/07/16/russia_is_firing_missiles_at_ukraine_grad_rockets_us_sanctions>.
> The story followed several Russian citizens posting videos to social
> media which they said show GRAD rockets being fired from Russian
> territory toward Ukraine. By triangulating the different camera
> angles, my team at The Interpreter proved that the unguided rockets
> were indeed being fired into Ukraine from Russia. Thursday morning,
> there were reports that a group of Ukrainian soldiers had been hit by
> the rocket fire and were actually receiving medical treatment on the
> other side of the border, ironically enough in the same town from
> which the rockets had been launched in the first place.
> This should have been huge news. How could things in Ukraine have
> deteriorated to the point where Putin was now engaged in such a
> reckless act of aggression? Of course, it was huge news... but for
> only a few hours. Quickly this headline was buried under the news that
> another Malaysian airlines flight was missing, and evidence is
> steadily growing that either Russian-backed separatists or Russia
> itself may have fired the missile that brought it down.While much of
> the media is trying to figure out who shot this aircraft down, with
> what weapon and where it was obtained, it might be more instructive to
> focus instead on the 'whys' of this incident.
> Why would Putin want to shoot down a commercial airliner? And if it
> was an accident, why would Putin allow the separatists to have a
> weapon this powerful without having full control over how it was used?
> The answer to that question reveals that the situation in Ukraine, and
> in Moscow, is much, much worse than many had feared.
> The first thing we have to understand is that the Kremlin spent a lot
> of time and money to bring down, either deliberately or accidentally,
> Malaysian Airlines flight MH17. The prime suspect is a Buk
> surface-to-air missile system
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buk_missile_system>. This is not a
> shoulder-fired weapon easily smuggled across the border, a
> point-and-shoot heat-seeking weapon that could be used with little
> training by anyone who got their hands on it. This is an advanced and
> battle-proven series of highly sophisticated vehicles which coordinate
> to track targets with radar and fire missiles so advanced that they
> were designed to knock smart bombs and cruise missiles out of the sky.
> Whoever launched this weapon was highly trained and extremely
> well-equipped.

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