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Clay Claiborne said:
#*JeSuisCharlie* <https://twitter.com/clayclai/status/555165483138174976>?
Its one thing to support the Nazi's right to march. It is quite another to
march with them

Ken Hiebert replies:
Such a remark will inflame the discussion and add little to our understanding.  
Based on what I have seen I am inlined to think that the cartoons, whatever the 
intention was, were stupid, misguided and lent themselves to an Islamophobic 
view.  That is a long way from being Nazi.

In any case, do we really support the right of Nazis to march?  I, and I think 
others on this list, do not support government measures to prevent them from 
marching.  We do support mobilizations of working people and targeted 
minorities to prevent the Nazis from marching.
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