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> Yassin Al Haj Saleh. I am afraid that it is too late for the 
> leftists in the West to express any solidarity with the Syrians in 
> their extremely hard struggle. What I always found astonishing in 
> this regard is that mainstream Western leftists know almost 
> nothing about Syria, its society, its regime, its people, its 
> political economy, its contemporary history. Rarely have I found a 
> useful piece of information or a genuinely creative idea in their 
> analyses.*My impression about this curious situation is that they 
> simply do not see us,* 
> This is racism. Can we have a psychological and political discussion 
> of the mechnanism white people us to render colored people invisible. 
> The number ! problem with the US Left is racism. 
I made these brief comments before I went to work this morning. I am 
surprised, and frankly saddened, to see the lack of response. 

clay, i'm not sure who this is for, whether it is even appropriate for me to 
respond. i simply can't speak about racism on the left with any authority, 
primarily because i can't speak about the left at all with authority. my 
failure in this regard isn't to say that i am oblivious to the certainty of 
racism on the left. but i am certain in a rather indirect way i suppose. i live 
in the most deeply racist country that has ever existed. racism is my 
inheritance. so why wouldn't racism permeate everything here, including the 
left in the states? even while the left has done more in the fight against 
racism than liberals, moderates or the right. i always must judge myself and 
others here with this understanding. 

Racism is one of the central problems of our movement. I believe racism 
is the main factor holding back a Left that is dominated by white people. 

Racism is an extremely complex system with intertwined economic, 
political, cultural and psychological aspects. 

The invisibility of non-white people by white people has long been 
recognized as one of the key features or methods of racism and it 
operates in many and complex matters. From a theoretical POV it has long 
been discussed in a wide range of academic materials and I think it can 
be useful in explaining things as wildly different as why the suffering 
of the Syrian people can be ignored down to why my comment can be ignored. 

Sometimes that is simply the easiest way to deal with an unpleasant 
issue, provided you are in a position to ignore people and get away with it. 

But this question of the invisibility of colored people goes deeper than 
that. I would recommend Joel Kovel's "White Racism: A Psychohistory" as 
a good starting point. As he says, "Race, is already a produce of white 

there's a lot to unpack here. a long history. psychology. sociology. specific 
political questions. praxis. 

i have no answers. one does what one can. i think you're raising of the 
question in this forum is valuable and contributes to a broader understanding. 
ah, you see? platitudes. 

i am uneasy with invisibility as the dominating metaphor. invisibility simply 
cannot account for many of the active elements in this world. drones do not 
seek the invisible. as for the left's blindness ... ah, well. here we are 
talking. knowing this group, in my short time here, others, better than me, 
will join in time. 

however, questions nag me. what should left solidarity look like with respect 
to syria? what do the syrians need that we can provide? what is the left 
failing to do? 

You can not explain the reaction of the US Left to the struggle in 
Syria, of the reaction of Americans generally to much of what goes on in 
the world without looking at the role racism plays. While Yassin did not 
name it. I think that we should. His observation about the US Left with 
regards to Syrians is spot-on. "*they simply do not see us" *is an 
aberrant behaviour of white people that we can given a name to, that we 
can connect to the invisibility of non-white people that is a disease 
which runs through our society and without the defeat of which 
revolution is impossible. 

is the left's failure with respect to syria much different to it's failure with 
respect to spain, the ukraine, greece or any of its other failures? 

But that's okay, just carry on as through I never made that important 


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