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On Jul 10, 2015, at 8:53 PM, Hans G Ehrbar via Marxism 
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> This is just one skirmish, more is to follow, and both the Greek voters
> and Syriza are learning a lot from this.

Alas, I think Hans’ apologia for the wholesale capitulation of the Tsipras 
leadership - the culmination of a five month negotiation with the troika which 
was more fiasco thsn “skirmish" - will be echoed by a majority of Syriza 
supporters and parliamentarians, including some hitherto identified with the 
party left. They will loyally and dutifully close ranks behind the party and 
its leadership and current direction, consoling themselves, like Hans, that the 
retreat from the party program is really, somehow, an advance. 

A substantial minority, however, will draw a more honest balance sheet of the 
government’s record to date and recognize that it does represent an advance 
over the preceding New Democracy administration on the key issues. Neither has 
secured significant debt relief; both have acquiesced to demands for labour 
market “reforms” designed to weaken the unions; both accept rigid fiscal 
“targets” to constrain government spending and job creation; both accept major 
increases in consumption taxes; both accept further cuts to pension benefits, 

It is undeniably the case that the balance of forces has been overwhelmingly 
weighted against Syriza and tiny, embattled Greece. But the Syriza leadership 
full well understood this when it vied for governmental power, and its 
disillusioned and embittered supporters may be forgiven for asking: “If the 
objective circumstances simply don’t allow a left wing party to effect any 
meaningful change and, in fact, lead to further economic deterioration and 
erosion of living standards, what is the point of electing it in the first 

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