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I don't support Sanders for all sorts of reasons, the biggest and most
obvious--his suicidal decision to run as a Democrat--being definitive for

But it doesn't make sense to both complain that someone's not speaking to
your agenda and shout them down.  And whatever Sanders flaws on this, he
didn't contribute actively and maliciously to the worsening condition in
the black community, as did Clinton and Obama.  Just think about their
contribution to the militarization of police technology (and attitudes).
There's no comparison.

And, yet, there's no disruption of Clinton.

Cui bono?  Who benefits?   The Clintons are Democratic versions of Nixon
when it comes to dirty tricks and I would put nothing past them.

BLM is far too decentralized and loose to merit our reading a common
approach into this, but it seems obvious that--as with Occupy--elements
within it aspire to using it to their own political purposes.

In the end, this makes Sanders' preemptive embrace of whoever wins the
nomination all the more pathetic and lame.  And all the greater a
disservice to his supporters.

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