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Annis' piece of Stalinist drivel and apologia for mass murder is embarrassing, but also his entire premise that it is a "defeat" for the US by Russian diplomacy is absurd; as if the entire "peace process"/ceasefire, with all its limitations, were not precisely the joint work of the US and Russia and their essential *alliance* in Syria. Of course, our movement - the Syrian masses - are right to take advantage of the lull in mass killing due to the partial ceasefire to take to the streets in a massive sea of Revolution flags all over the country (which Annis, hilariously, tries to make out to be pro-ceasefire demonstrations!). However, the fact that Assad and Russia are still bombing and killing daily - albeit at a much lower rate - was *precisely* built into the US-Russia "ceasefire" guidelines, fully supported by both, which allow for certain groups to still get bombed; perhaps we don't like those groups, but as is well-known, Assad and Russia call everyone names like "terrorists", or "Nusra" or "ISIS" when they bomb them; so they basically have license to keep doing what they're doing, while the parts of the ceasefire pertaining to humanitarian relief from Assad's starvation sieges etc, are not honoured. Yet Annis tries to imagine that ceasefie is a "defeat for the US". What a joke. The US clearly told the Syrian opposition: if you don't sign on, you'll be targets; and if you hang out with the wrong crowd (so-called "terrorists"), you'll deserve what you're about to get.

-----Original Message----- From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 1:44 AM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Annis slanders the heroic Syrian Revolution

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