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Cosmology and the relationship of cosmology to materialism are fascinating 
subjects. I would just like to add some elaboration on two points in the long 
posting on "How did the university begin?"

Louis Proyect wrote:
 > On the In Defense of Marxism website, you can find a three part article
> (  http://www.marxist.com/science-and-technology/ )  by Adam Booth on
> "The  Crisis in Cosmology". In part one Booth wants to make it clear that
> Marxists have no truck with any theory that the Pope could embrace,
>  even mistakenly. The "big bang" and some related theories are just too
>  close for comfort as a kind of creation myth:

Earlier this year Pete Brown commented on Adam Booth's views on cosmology in 
an article entitled "Marxism and Science". This is a brief excerpt from the 

"...Booth's series of articles on cosmology appeared on the IMT website 
beginning on November, 17, 2014. Entitled "The Crisis of Cosmology", this 
series is a broadside attack on present-day cosmology and an attempt to 
substitute Marxist-sounding rhetoric for science. This is a completely 
mistaken approach to how Marxists should approach science and scientific 

"Marx and Engels were materialists who enthusiastically but critically 
accepted the core of the natural science of their day. They embraced the 
latest scientific achievements and promoted the advances made by Darwin and 
Morgan among others. Booth tries to put himself in the Marxist tradition by 
criticizing contemporary cosmology and doing so with the help of quotations 
from Engels. But in the process he puts himself at odds with the scientific 
attitude of Marx and Engels. If contemporary cosmology were a pseudo-science 
and its practitioners nothing but charlatans, Booth would have a point. It's 
all very well to criticize some wild speculation, but today's cosmologists 
have actually discovered new, important facts about the universe, facts 
ignored by Booth. "

Subheads are:

* [Booth's demagogy on] Creationists and Beginningists
* Booth in the Dark
* Ignoring Facts...
* ...While Spouting "Infinity"

The full text is at 

 > The other two articles in Booth´s series mostly amount to arguing against
> the wisdom of synthesizing quantum mechanics and Einstein´s theory of
> relativity. Plus some quotes from Lenin´s polemic against
> Empirio-Criticism, a work that is mostly of interest to the archivists
> among us.

The problem is Booth not Lenin. Lenin's "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" 
is an exceptionally good work, and it has an approach towards science that is 
diametrically opposed to that put forward by Booth. In this work, Lenin did 
not stand in the way of the new discoveries taking place in physics and 
nitpick at them , but instead saw them as part of the progress of 
materialism, and as showing the necessity of dialectical rather than 
mechanical materialism..Thus he backed Engels saying that each epoch-making 
discovery in science requires materialism "to change its form". That's 
materialist philosophy changing in order to adapt to scientific discoveries, 
not science being held back by dogmatic generalities. This goes against the 
Trotskyist Booth, who embraces the old form of materialism as tightly as he 
can; against the adventures of Stalinism in theoretical physics; and against 
the mechanical materialism that still has a lot of influence in various 

-- Joseph Green

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