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Ed George wrote:
> Good grief. This is Marxism as religion. No wonder so many normal people 
> don't take Marxism seriously any more.
> * * *

Indeed. Adam Booth, speaking for the Trotskyist International Marxist 
Tendency, claims to be able to make important advances in science without 
knowing the facts of the matter. This is truly ludicrous. Thus he writes in 
"The Crisis of Cosmology -- Part Three" that

"We do not claim to have the mathematical tools or the great wealth of 
scientific knowledge and facts that the academic community of theoretical 
physicists has at its disposal. Nor do we claim to have all the answers or 
even fully worked out alternative to the current theories.

"For decades, however, we have carefully followed scientific developments and 
have made important contributions towards the many debates that have 


This is opposed to how Lenin treated the revolutions in theoretical physics 
in "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism". He dealt with the philosophical 
consequences of the new developments,  but refused to intervene in the 
scientific theorizing itself.

-- Joseph Green
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