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 Socialist Alternative is right about the significance of the growth of
DSA. But I don't agree with what they call for.

They call for a new mass socialist party, or something of the sort.
Instead, they should be explaining that all parties are based on one class
or another and what's needed is a mass working class party in the US. (They
should also be explaining that the Democratic Party - the ENTIRE party -
not just its "establishment" -  is a party of the owners of capital - the
capitalist class.) That leads to how such a party could be born. One
possibility is through a series of independent, working class candidates
for public office. As such a tendency developed, it would tend to come
together to coordinate and further their efforts. That would mean the
beginnings of a working class party - one that should and probably would
have socialist policies of some sort or another.

I also very strongly disagree with their call on DSA to form some sort of
federated socialist party where the different socialist groups would
affiliate but in their own federations. On the one hand that sounds too
much like the approach of many anarchists of organizing coalitions based on
different "affinity groups". The end result is that the coalition never
really comes together as a whole. In the case of what S. Alt. is calling
for, it would mean an absolute zoo, a form of organizing that would
encourage a situation where every little socialist group would fit in as
that "socialist party" of, by and for itself. Madly fighting for their
particular "line" to be adopted and competing with every other little group
to scoop up whatever recruits there are to be had.

It would be paralyzed by this sectarian infighting.

By the way, I've noticed that quite a few Socialist Alternative members
have left S. Alt. and have joined DSA. And why not? After all, what is the
principled difference in practice between them? The DSA leadership supports
the Democrats and so does S. Alt. Nor does either have any real differences
with the union leadership. The main difference is a matter of degrees, so
if you're going to go in for that sort of politics, why not join the bigger

John Reimann

"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
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