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I don't think we should read too much into the term "partner".  It just means 
that the Syrian Democratic Forces and the United States have a common enemy 
(ISIS) and are cooperating to fight against it.

Michael Karadjis says that the SDF is fighting what he calls "the US 'war on 
terror' against ISIS and HTS".  Michael Probsting calls the YPG "foot soldiers 
of US imperialism."

The SDF fights against ISIS, HTS and other reactionary forces for its own 
reasons, not because it is subservient to the US.  These reasons include the 
facts that:

1. These reactionary groups oppress the people in the areas they control, 
especially women and religious minorities;

2. They have attacked areas controlled by the SDF (and its precursors such as 
the YPG/YPJ);

3. They are proxies (or perhaps we could call them "partners" or "foot 
soldiers") of Turkish intervention in Syria.  This intervention is both an 
extension of Turkey's domestic anti-Kurdish policy and an expression of 
Turkey's imperialist aspirations.

Turkey and its proxies are currently the main threat to the Democratic 
Federation of Northern Syria.  

The SDF has tried to avoid armed conflict with Assad regime forces, though 
quite a few clashes have occurred over the years, including recently at Deir 
Ezzor.  In general, the SDF's approach is one of self defence rather than 
trying to win a military victory over the regime.  

The downfall of the regime can only occur if there is a revival of democratic 
struggles in Assad-controlled areas.  The SDF can't substitute for that.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism <marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu> on behalf of mkaradjis . 
via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
Sent: Saturday, 28 October 2017 12:39 AM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Revelations of a U.S. General on Washington’s Allies 
in Syria

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Terrific find Michael.

Michael Probsting quotes US General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “At one point [he refers to the year
2015, Ed.] I think we had identified about 175 partners in Syria that
we had trained and some hundreds that were available to fight - now we
now have 50,000 partners on the ground.”

Michael rightly notes that this confirms what those of us who have
actually been following the Syrian revolution closely have said all
along, that "the Syrian liberation fighters who started to fight
against the terrorist Assad dictatorship in March 2011 have never been
“agents of US imperialism”, since 175 "partners" in 2015 is a
"miniscule minority among the mass of 150-200.000 liberation fighters
which existed at that time." Dunford is also correct that the US now
has some 50,000 allies on the ground, meaning overwhelmingly the
PKK-allied PYD/YPG and its slightly expanded version, the Syrian
Democratic Forces (SDF), along with a small handful of ex-FSA groups
who have agreed to accept US conditions that they end the fight
against Assad in order to fight the US "war on terror" against ISIS
and HTS only.

This is perhaps one of clearest statements by a leading representative
of US imperialism to date.

What is also interesting is the extent to which this time frame
corresponds almost exactly to revelations of big Pentagon arms
movements to Syria from eastern European stocks:

The Pentagon’s $2.2 Billion Soviet Arms Pipeline Flooding Syria


"The Pentagon is on a spending spree as it scrabbles to amass vast
quantities of Soviet-style weapons and ammunition. But it’s running
into problems sourcing them, and is using misleading legal documents
to disguise their final destination: Syria.

The defeat of Islamic State in Syria is reliant on a questionable
supply-line, funnelling unprecedented quantities of weapons and
ammunition from Eastern Europe to some 30,000 anti-ISIS rebel

Armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades fresh from state-owned
production lines and stockpiles of the Balkans, Central Europe and
increasingly the former Soviet Union, these US-backed troops are
spearheading the battle to reclaim Raqqa, the capital of the so-called
caliphate, and liberate other areas of Syria held by ISIS.

A trainee with the Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces learns how
to use his AK-47-style rifle at a secret training camp.
Photo: U.S. Army Sgt. Mitchell Ryan

But the flow of weapons to these Pentagon-backed militia depends on
misleading official paperwork, an investigation by the Balkan
Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, and the Organized Crime and
Corruption Reporting Project, OCCRP, has uncovered.

Reporters have pinpointed more than $700 million of spending on
weapons and ammunition likely destined for Syrian rebels since
September 2015, when the Pentagon’s anti-ISIS train and equip
programme shifted strategy.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 9:05 AM, RKOB via Marxism
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
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