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Looked up Vorwarts in Wiki after Mehring mentioned that it was funded by the conductor Meyerbeer. I surmised that in addition to being a conductor, he was also the most noted Jewish composer of the 19th century and Wiki confirmed that. Marx wrote for Vorwarts as did other leftists. It was edited by Karl Ludwig Bernays, who was close to Marx and ended up in Missouri, the home state of latter-day Marxists Mark A. Lause and Louis Proyect.

Vorwärts! (German pronunciation: [ˈfɔʁvɛʁts], Forward!) was a biweekly newspaper published in Paris from January to December 1844.[1][2] The journal was seen as "the most radical" in contemporary Europe.[3] The newspaper circulation was about a thousand copies. It had a subtitle Pariser Signale aus Kunst, Wissenschaft, Theater, Musik, Literatur und geselligem Leben (Paris signals from the arts, science, theater, music, literature and social life). From 3 July 1844 the title changed to Vorwärts. Pariser Deutsche Zeitschrift (Forward. Paris German journal).

The journal was sponsored by the composer Giacomo Meyerbeer and edited by Karl Ludwig Bernays.[1]



During the 1860 presidential election, Bernays served as secretary of the Missouri Republican Party.[2] He became friendly with President Abraham Lincoln, and in 1861 the president posted him to Zurich, Switzerland, and later Helsinki, Finland, as a consul.[2][1] Bernays apparently did not enjoy these postings (there were protests over his Jewish background) and returned to the United States to resume work as a journalist.[2] During the Civil War, he served as an army paymaster, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.[2]
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