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On 2/19/18 1:52 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:

Thanks for the article. One question: You mention a connection between
Larouche and the Workers World Party, but I didn't see any documentation of

I was quoting a friend whose words appeared directly beneath the WWP heading:

I’m not sure what the connection between Larouche and the Workers World Party is but there is certainly some spillover. In this image, Caleb T. Maupin, the Russia Today journalist who was described by Trump as his “favorite journalist” can be seen with former Larouche candidate Webster Tarpley, who once notoriously claimed AIDS was an airborne disease and that AIDS patients should be locked up. Tarpley has also been a fixture of Assadist circles for a while, this 2015 video from a bizarre meet up of Assadists features Tarpley and is absolutely hilarious to watch when the crowd turns on the speakers.


Furthermore, there's lots more on the WWP in the 100-page article by the anonymous A Roaming Vagabond blogger. I'm a little skeptical about it but nevertheless:

The Workers World Party (WWP)

The Workers World Party is a small Stalinist party formed out of a faction led by Sam Marcy which split in 1958 from the Socialist Workers Party, a US Trotskyist party, due to disagreements between Marcy’s faction’s support for the Chinese revolution and the Soviet crushing of the Hungarian revolution, which was at odds with the positions of the SWP.

The WWP adheres to a crude form of “anti-imperialism” whereby it does not only oppose the United States’ imperialism, but instead dogmatically aligns itself with and offers absolute uncritical support for any entity opposed, at least nominally, to the US no matter how oppressive and reactionary that entity might be, a tendency whose adherents are commonly labelled as “campists“, “tankies” or “anti-imps” within leftist jargon (a more principled radical would instead agree that the United States is indeed an oppressive reactionary capitalist, settler-colonial, racist and imperialist entity which must be opposed, but that many of its opponents are also reactionary and oppressive forces, and that one can stand against US warmongering and against these governments and states). The WWP hence went to the lengths of supporting the Tiananmen Square massacre [archive] and later denying it [archive], defending [archive] the Khmer Rouge [archive] until 2000 [archive], Idi Amin [archive], Slobodan [archive] Milosevic [archive] multiple [archive] times [archive] (more [archive] here [archive]) as well as Radovan Karadzic [archive], Ratko Mladic [archive] and denying [archive] the Bosnian [archive] genocide [archive], glorifying Saddam Hussein [archive] and denying the Kurdish genocide and the Halabja massacre [archive] committed by him (with US support) instead of merely opposing the invasion of Iraq by the US, uncritically supporting [archive] the sectarian insurgency (which included elements which later evolved into Da’esh and the Nusra Front) in Iraq even as it was killing Sufis and Shi’a and attacking leftists, and calling it the “Iraqi resistance” while Iraqi leftists were opposing both the US occupation and the insurgency. Far from stopping war, these grotesque positions of the WWP weakened the US anti-war movement by splitting it and provided the propagandists for the invasion of Iraq, such as former Trotskyist turned neoconservative Christopher Hitchens, with ammunition to attack the whole of the anti-war movement.

The WWP sent members [archive] to support Milosevic [archive] during the Yugoslav War and later sent a delegate to a grouping of Stalinist parties supporting the “Iraqi resistance” [archive] organized by Subhi Toma, an associate of neo-fascist Thierry Meyssan [archive].

The WWP has been quoting Michel Chossudovsky since the 90s [archive] to defend Milosevic [archive] and is on record for using William Engdahl’s book A Century of War: Anglo-American Politics and the New World Order, whose title betrays an obvious LaRouchite ideological underpinning, as source concerning Myanmar [archive], which might also explain why its publications in the wake of Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan [archive] were no different from Engdahl’s conspiracies based about oil and geopolitics [archive].

This might also explain why the WWP dismissed the 2009 election fraud allegations in Iran and subsequent protests [archive] even as Global Research was publishing similar conspiracies by anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist James Petras [archive] also published by Petras on neo-fascist Thierry Meyssan’s Voltaire Network [archive].

These doctrinaire positions of the WWP, as well as its authoritarian tendencies, opportunist strategies, willingness to cooperate with the police [archive] and tendency to attempt to control the coalitions it is part through authoritarian and undemocratic methods means it needs to resort to front groups. One such front group was Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (abbreviated as A.N.S.W.E.R. or the ANSWER Coalition) and when the WWP experienced a split which resulted in the formation of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) in 2004, the ANSWER Coalition became an affiliate of the PSL.

The WWP, Ramsey Clark and LaRouche

Another such front group [archive] of the WWP is the International Action Center (IAC), founded by the former US attorney Ramsey Clark [archive] and which he co-directs with WWP leader Sara Flounders. Ramsey Clark is a strange figure, having served as Attorney General under the administration of US president Lyndon Johnson, during which he was responsible for the creation of the Interdivisional Information Unit to coordinate the FBI’s COINTELPRO and the CIA’s Operation MHCHAOS (under which leftist groups like the Black Panther Party, the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Students for a Democratic Society, army deserters and the anti-war press were targeted) and indicted Benjamin Spock for advocating draft resistance during the Vietnam War. Clark retired from the political arena after Johnson dropped out of the Presidential elections in 1968, and adopted a policy of supporting, advising and defending war criminals and fascists opposed to the US such as:

Bernard and Phyllis Coard who overthrew and assassinated Grenadian revolutionary Maurice Bishop,
Nazi concentration camp guard Karl Linnas (such a shame)
Radovan Karadzic
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana (a pastor who helped Hutu militias murder Tutsi families during the Rwandan genocide) Slobodan Milosevic (with Clark being on the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic)
Saddam Hussein
and finally Lyndon LaRouche himself, with Clark claiming the trial against LaRouche was an outgrowth of COINTELPRO (Clark himself had participated in COINTELPRO), thus echoing LaRouche’s position. Following the trial of LaRouche, Clark went from being mere legal representative to full supporter of LaRouche, and the Schiller Institute flew him to a conference organized by LaRouche’s movement in Copenhagen in 1990 where he gave a speech in support of LaRouche painting him as a victim of vilification by the US government because he was supposedly a “danger to the system” [archive]. Around this same time, Clark remained silent about the LaRouchites’ use of his name to insert themselves in the mobilization against the Gulf War, thus enabling LaRouche’s infiltration of the anti-war movement.

Clark traveled with WWP delegations to support Milosevic during the Yugoslav War [archive], attended Milosevic’s funeral in 2006 together with General Leonid Ivashov, Gennady Zyuganov and Sergey Baburin [archive] (then a co-leader of Rodina), co-signed an open letter together with Baburin [archive] in March 2009 in opposition to the independence of Kosovo before attending a pro-Milosevic rally by Serbian ultra-nationalists [archive] in April of that same year. Clark presently co-chairs of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic together with fascist Baburin [archive].

Clark is still associated with the WWP [archive] while also simultaneously maintaining his ties to the LaRouche network, having spoken to multiple LaRouche events in 2014 [archive], and in September 2016, the Schiller Institute held a “Securing World Peace Through Embracing the Common Aims of Mankind” conference whose speakers included:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Jeffrey Steinberg
Ramsey Clark [archive]
Richard Black, a State Senator for the US state of Virginia
Bashar Jaafari, the Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations [archive]
US Congressman Walter Jones

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