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This type of rebranding of the European far right in pseudoleftist clothing is 
nothing new. The original fascists did the same thing too. In the case of 
Italian Fascism, Mussolini had actually been a Socialist (and a fairly 
prominent one at that) prior to the First World War. As leader of the Fascist 
Party, he used pseudoleftist rhetoric in combination with nationalist slogans. 
In terms of actual policy, when they first took power, the Fascists followed 
classical liberal economic policies. They privatized state owned enterprises, 
cut taxes, especially taxes on the rich and pushed deregulation. Later on, 
especially in response to the Great Depression, the Fascists would take a more 
interventionist tack, with their ministers praising the economic theories of 
John Maynard Keynes.

The German National Socialists, as their name implied, from the beginning used 
pseudoleftist rhetoric. They adopted the color red in their party flag, in part 
because red was the traditional color of socialists, and Hitler wanted to draw 
a distinction between his party and traditional right-wing parties. There were 
certain wings of the Nazi Party which took the party's socialist rhetoric 
rather seriously such as the followers of the Strasser brothers and the 
followers of Ernst Rohm, the commander of the SA. When the Nazis took power, 
both big business and the military in Germany found this to be a source of 
unease. Hitler eventually resolved this situation in the Night of the Long 
Knives which resulted in the killing of Ernst Rohm and one of the Strassers, 
along with many of their followers. This put the minds of big business and the 
military at ease.

Jim Farmelant
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---------- Original Message ----------
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: The Far Right’s Leftist Mask
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:31:23 -0500

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