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Gawd...such one sided bullshit. Black rights were won without guns? Really?
The fact that the SCLC leadership kept assault rifles in their headquarters
was...irrelevant? That many Blacks were armed was "without guns". The fact
is it is hard to prove a negative but I suspect many klan attacks did *not*
happen because they knew Black people were *armed* often in violation of
RACIST gun control laws. Ken you should no better than to peddle such crap.
The Black Panthers *ended* police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
neighborhoods of Oakland). Armed Blacks confronted *regularly* the White
Leagues and armed Whites throughout Reconstruction. By now, Ken, et al, you
should of all read about the "Racist Roots of Gun Control". An excellent
article. [

Louis...no...it is not true that only the Mpls strikes were workers armed.
Actually they were not armed then. It was afterwards they, and many other
unions organized such guard groups. The fact is that as a push back against
armed scabs and the cops, racist mobs, the oppressed *always* armed. How?
They owned guns to begin with and if the gun control laws were not enacted
(always against Blacks and the oppressed) they could go out an purchase
them. The last mass arming of Blacks was in 1980 during the Chattanooga
riots where armed, Black veterans mostly, formed an ad-hoc militia and
pushed the white racist sheriffs out of the Black community. Also, all
petty crime stopped cold during these 3 days. They could not of done this
without being armed and at that time, with the latest in weapons including

Second of all, Louis, the anti-gun brain dead liberals that many here are
adapting too DO want your .30-30 banned. They want ALL guns banned. And
they are quite open about this. They see every incremental gun control
measure as a forward step in that direction. THEY have more faith in the
State to handle weapons than civilians and want more cops, more FBI and ATF
to take charge. That is "Marxism"? Gawwdd.

It is not 1936 or 1980. While gun ownership has been fairly constant,
including the AR-15 (which started as the "Black Rifle" craze during the
Reagan administration), for almost 3 decades. Yet...it's only be the last
few years that these massacres have taken place. Why is that? Columbine
occured sans AR-15s (the used pistols and shotguns). The facts are that 97%
of all the 36,000 (!!!!) gun deaths are not made by military looking
AR-type rifles. And that 61% of those 36,000 last year (JAMA) are not from
violent attacks but from...suicides. The real deaths of children and young
people come from hand guns. But that is not the emotional push button we
see...EVER. It's only about these relatively few and particularly ugly
school massacres.

I accept that some things ought to be done. I do support raising the age to
21 for hand gun or rifle purchases. All firearms. I'm also for actual
licensing with proof-of-proficiency in safety handling. Lastly I'm for
better background checks and establishing a "cannot purchase list"
administered by qualified mental health experts (school counselors,
psychologists, therapists, etc) but with a right to challenge. This "could"
reduce but not eliminate such massacres. Nor would banning AR type rifles
or large capacity magazines. It might help some but with so many such
firearms in circulation, few would turn them in and fewer still would
register what they have. And why should they? THEY are not the criminals.
Disturbed people commit these crimes. And that is where the problem will
lie:  gun bans ... which is exactly the agenda of the anti-gun crowd.

All those positions I outlined above are huge fucking concessions to the
state. They give the government...the FBI and the ATF (the new found lovers
of the Democratic liberal and gun control crowd) more power, databases and
addresses of gun owners. In this sense, technically, the NRA is 100%
correct: it makes it easier for the State to confiscate any weapon. But I'm
willing to make that concession...and it IS a concession...because of the
current climate. But no socialist should ever support gun confiscation.

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