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Ok then we pretty much know for sure that at least 6 people in Afrin or
about 0.001% of the current population held up placards of Assad, and that
their reasons for doing so might have been influenced by what the former
leader of the PYD said about one regime attack 5 years ago. I’m not sure
though this is the most important point with regard to an article about how
a well-known and avowedly leftist US academic is systematically demonizing
the PKK and PYD and systematically whitewashing the Turkish state.

On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 at 9:08 am, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> On 3/1/18 5:01 PM, Nick Fredman wrote:
> >
> > Louis uses “Kurds” for these placard holders when he does not know their
> > ethnicity, or, more to the point if we don’t want to ape lazy, ignorant
> > journalists in the bourgeois media, their political affiliations or
> views.
> Maybe that's because my views were shaped by PYD leader Salih Muslim
> calling the sarin gas attack in East Ghouta that cost the lives of more
> than a thousand people a "false flag". Any leader capable of making such
> a terrible statement is creating an atmosphere where it is entirely
> plausible that his followers would hold pictures of the killer of those
> people aloft.
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