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The NYT pic is fairly close up and only shows a handful of people. Speaking
of Tim Anderson, his sidekick Jay Thapperal posted on Facebook some
longer-view video stills from RT of the same or a similar event. He called
this a “rally” but it looked more like a media scrum with a small number of
placard holders. At any rate nothing remotely like the hundreds of
thousands who’ve moblised against the invasion.

Louis uses “Kurds” for these placard holders when he does not know their
ethnicity, or, more to the point if we don’t want to ape lazy, ignorant
journalists in the bourgeois media, their political affiliations or views.
There’s plenty of Arabs in the SDF and active in the self-administration.
There’s hundreds of thousands of Arab refugees who’ve been welcomed to
Afrin. We don’t know whether these placard holders are possibly Ba’athist
sympathesing Arabs, Kurdish, Arab or Assyrian PYD cadres, or a range of
citizens who might be forgiven for seeing their proximal enemies as a
nearby bunch of heavily-armed reactionary thugs who delight in the
sexualised mutilation of prisoners.

What we do know is the repeatedly stated position of the DFNS that Assad’s
military intervention is minor and late-coming, that their cooperation is
strictly military and limited, and the the regime is still “the regime”.
E.g. as Chris might have already posted

On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 at 12:43 am, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> On 3/1/18 4:11 AM, Chris Slee wrote:
> > d the broader Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.
> >
> > My point is not to denigrate the work of activists operating in very
> difficult circumstances, under attack from both the Assad regime and
> reactionary rebel groups, but rather to highlight the achievements of the
> But there is nothing in Greenleft about anybody like the 4 disappeared
> activists. They still exist, after all.
> It is nothing but the Rojava fan club 24/7. 280 articles, for pete's
> sake. I wouldn't mind this so much if at least there was an attempt to
> engage with the reality that Kurds are now holding up portraits of
> Bashar al-Assad as if they were at a rally organized by Tim Anderson.
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