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On 3/6/18 7:59 AM, Carl G. Estabrook wrote:
A coalition government of the M5S and the Lega would make young Luigi Di Maio prime minister and cause dyspepsia in DC and Brussels. —CGE

His coalition partners would cause dyspepsia in the immigrant community as well:

An Italian gunman with extreme right-wing sympathies shot and wounded six African immigrants Saturday in a two-hour drive-by shooting spree, authorities said, terrorizing a small Italian city where a Nigerian man had been arrested days earlier in a teenager’s gruesome killing.

Police photos showed the shooting suspect with a neo-Nazi tattoo prominently on his forehead as he sat in custody and an Italian flag tied around his neck as he was arrested in the central Italian city of Macerata. Authorities identified him as Luca Traini, a 28-year-old Italian with no previous record.

Traini had run for town council on the anti-migrant Northern League’s list in a local election last year in Corridonia, the party confirmed, but its mayoral candidate lost the race. The news agency ANSA quoted friends of his as saying that Traini had previously been affiliated with Italian extremist parties like the neo-fascist Forza Nuova and CasaPound.

full: http://nationalpost.com/news/world/after-nigerian-arrested-in-dismemberment-of-italian-girl-neo-nazi-shoots-black-africans
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