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A bit delayed, here's my long piece mentioned below:


Towards a Broader Theory of Imperialism

In a major contribution to the on-going debate on imperialism, Patrick Bond argues that an explanation of imperialist political-economy and geopolitics must incorporate subimperialisms. John Smith’s old-fashioned binary of North/South prevents him from fully engaging with David Harvey’s overall concern about uneven geographical development


Also just out, a view of the bible from Johannesburg:


The Unfinished System of Karl Marx pp 299-330

Capital, Volume III—Gaps Seen from South Africa: Marx’s Crisis Theory, Luxemburg’s Capitalist/Non-capitalist Relations and Harvey’s Seventeen Contradictions of Capitalism

(Let me know if you'd like this offlist - pb...@mail.ngo.za - because it's behind a paywall for now.)

On 2018/04/10 02:17 PM, Patrick Bond via Marxism wrote:
Comrades, hi,

There's another frustrating input in the Smith-Harvey debate over at the Review of African Political Economy website:  "Dissolving Empire: David Harvey, John Smith, and the Migrant" http://roape.net/2018/04/10/dissolving-empire-david-harvey-john-smith-and-the-migrant/

"Does this mean that China in economic, cultural, social, or military terms has reached the status of an imperialist power?," asks Adam Mayer, who studies Marxism in Nigeria.

Wrong question, hence wrong formulation of the terrain of debate, and wrong answer...

I think the question should be, instead, "aren't China and other BRICS countries slotting into global imperialism as *subimperial* allies, in relation to the accumulation of capital, the super-exploitation of labour, species-threatening ecological destruction and global malgovernance?"

The answer is "Yes!" And there, in the next post, I argue, the problem is immense. (My post ended up drawling on for 8300 words so if anyone wants it, let me know. It'll be online next Monday.)

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